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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Can you IMAGINE having a 60hz PC monitor... in 2021.. And he's got a 3090 FFS OMFG the priorities Jerry games on his OLED he says.... but his PS5 history proves otherwise... he's got it connected to his PC so he can stream shit online.. that's it 60hz in 2021.... and he's going on about 12bit color depth
  2. HOLY SHIT he said his 1920x1200p 60hz monitor is better than my Ultrawide @DynamiteCop He's DED
  3. ^this is the post of someone who got owned and is trying to laugh it off with smileys Dude has a fucking 1920x1200p 60hz monitor FFS.. the rest of us are rocking 144Hz plus Ultrawides Bubub my OLED TV
  4. And do think this clown was trying to make fun of Cooke for having a 2560x1080p monitor... saying he didn't know such pathetic resolutions existed.... and yet it's a higher resolution than his fucking primary PC monitor @Cooke He's DED
  5. LMAO.. bubu I haz teh 4K TV SO DOES EVERYONE OMFG... The difference is we have nice Ultrawide high refreshrate primary monitors for our PCs as well.... You have an absolute SHIT TIER 1920x1200 60hz monitor... as your primary PC display @DynamiteCop He's DED
  6. Holy shit you're ACTUALLY trying to play stupid.... I never said you don't have 2 displays.... I said your monitor was a piece of shit.... and you confirmed it is. Thanks! LMAO @DynamiteCop he has a Dell U2410 And now I have to actually explain to you why you're owned... because I know you'll play dumb. You said Dynamite doesn't have a 4K monitor.. you laughed at him for it... and yet HIS monitor SHITS on your monitor... both resolution-wise and every spec-wise. You have a 60hz 1920x1200p monitor FFS And your whole point was
  7. Dude... what THE FUCK are you on? I know you have a TV and a monitor.... You said you have a DUAL MONITOR setup.... and you said that because I'm making fun of you SHITTY monitor.. No shit I already know about your OldLED... I LITERALLY responded to DynamiteCop making fun of you for using your TV... So... you don't have dual monitors... you have a shitty monitor... and a TV... Guess what.... the rest of us ALSO have 4K TVs .... we're comparing OUR MONITORS to yours.... which... we know is a GARBAGE 1920x1200 piece of shi
  8. I'm not changing the argument... You claim you have 2 monitors... I said you don't. You saying you already told me doesn't change anything. I'm saying you don't. Now you have to post a pic of your two monitor setup... or it doesn't exist. It's a simple as that. LOL
  9. Post your 2nd monitor... or you lose.. it's as simple as that.
  10. I'm not a liar, until you prove I am. Post the pic sweetie. I want to see your 2nd monitor.
  11. You said "other" was 4096x2160.... That was your argument. I proved you wrong with logic. It's simple not logical that there are almost as many "4096" monitors out there... as there are "3840"... So then we can conclude that "other" is a lot of other resolutions. There's multiple 21:9 resolutions not listed, and 32:9 Super Ultrawide as well... which are popular. Damn... you lost AGAIN. The UW and SUW market is bigger than the 4K market.. and growing faster too.
  12. Oh you did did you? I don't remember that. So why are you showing a pic of your old monitor then... show us your "other" one If you don't... then your "dual monitor setpu" is your shitty monitor, and your TV. I want to know what monitor it is And what's funny is that regarding the survey.. we can easily conclude that many of those 4K displays... are actually TVs... like yours.. so in reality the share of monitors is even lower than what you suggest
  13. No you didn't... because it's absolutely NOT realistic that 4096x2160.... has almost the same share as 3840x2160 by itself
  14. Ah... so you ARE on a 1920x1200 monitor.... you FINALLY FUCKING ADMITTED IT! Thanks for that! And no sweetie... you paid $1500 AT LEAST.... If I didn't sell my previous GPU and I paid $1200... you definitely paid $1500+ And it's hilarious that you also admitted exactly what I said... that you scalped people and kept the 3090 for yourself... when you initially had no intention to... because you're really not about having the best... as I already proved with that quote I posted. So basically... all this gatekeeping you're trying so hard to do... is because you'
  15. I don't have to prove it. It is... until you prove otherwise. You taught me that. And you still had the survey number wrong for 2560x1080... so even not counting "other" it would be: 4K = 2.26% Ultrawide = 2.14% OH WOW!! 4K monitors which have been on the market for FAR longer... have essentially the same share as Ultrawide... And guess what... that's NOT taking into consideration all the PCs connected to 4K TVs... and not monitors... like your bitch ass... So you're thoroughly bitch slapped as usual... and...
  16. Yea I dunno. There's going to be some challenges. But these challenges aren't just exclusive to the Steam Deck. It will all come down to this.. Either with this iteration, they've hit the right price/performance ratio, and provide enough value for the customer in todays market... and the device begins to sell really well. Or they don't... and it fails to move any needle. If the former happens, you could see developers CONSIDER optimizing specifically for the device segment. By that I mean the "handheld PC" market. Even then it might not be the Deck specifically...
  17. It's funny how that's all you care about... like as if you'll be parading with it everywhere you go
  18. It's not really "another system" per-se... it's basically... a low spec PC. They already take into consideration low spec PCs every single day. That's why we have quality settings. Developers could target the thing if it becomes popular. If Valve produces evidence that the games are played and popular on the Deck, then it could prompt them to optimize for it in the future.
  19. Well, there's the incentive to make a good product so that it sells in the first place. If the Steam Deck is successful, and Valve sees that people are playing bigger AA/AAA games on it, I imagine they would push for developers to support it. Valve has a lot to prove with the device so it's a very wait and see type thing. But essentially it's not really low level optimization like it would be on a console, of course. What I mean is Valve already has an API (or rather are implementing an API) which basically gives developers a spec for the console to target. They certainly aren'
  20. In all but extremely fringe cases, they absolutely wont. Nothing is really going to be built from the ground up with it in mind. But Valve can do things to help developers tailor their games toward the spec and control functions of the device. Hoping that developers take them into consideration is basically the best we can hope for.. at least at this point. Like I said, if somehow the Deck manages to catch on a bit, and grow the handheld PC market.. we could see things change in the future. There's lots of "what if's" and "well maybe's" right now. Still way too earl
  21. LMFAO!! Cell... did you actually listen to that video you posted?! Snake had his MP3 codec set to Español
  22. I started poking around some of the previews and other articles about the Steam Deck, and yea, it turns out Valve has created an API that will help developers quickly optimize their games for the device's hardware Developers will of course have to actually do it... but it will be there for them. Essentially it'll allow the game to know it's running on the Steam Deck and optimize settings, resolution, controls, and anything else to tailor the experience to the Deck. https://www.pcgamer.com/valve-steam-deck-api-optimisation/?utm_campaign=socialflow
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