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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LOL "durr the Campaign must be using a different engine" Thanks for reminding me about how retarded you are
  2. I did already list it. I've played more RT games than you... period. You're playing catchup Don't think I forgot you dropped everything to play.... Assassin's Creed Black Flag..
  3. LMFAO... he's got no response to his brother being the market Xbox is after... lmfao and he walked right into that one
  4. We already did this.. fuck head You can't even be bothered to play Ratshit and Jank... you expect anyone to believe you're playing RT games on your PC? Let it sink in... you bought your PC....ENTIRELY.... for Cyberpunk 2077... Like... JESUS FUCKING CHRIST what a disaster And my monitor SHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTS all over your monitor
  5. I paid ~$600 for my 2080ti.. because I sold my old card dumbass... and I played with RT years before you even could.. in multiple amazing games. I bought a card that completely obliterated everything out there no contest for 2 years. You spent MORE on a GPU that didn't even hold the crown for more than 3 months. You got RT.... when the other plebs got into it.. I mean... you had a GTX970 before this... you DEFINITELY needed the upgrade... Now you have a PC... but the rest of your setup is pure garbage... perhaps you should put some money into not having a p
  6. Dude... there's nothing else out there like HL: Alyx. Some chapters are fucking crazy audio and visually.
  7. Bought his too, I'm sure And 3 years later I can still sell my "obsolete" GPU for more than I paid for it at launch lol Jerry is so dumb
  8. Consolidated handheld and console markets. Companion secondary console. Also Nerdtendorks are fucking stupid
  9. You bought yours for Cyberpunk! And if I paid $1200 for an obselete videocard...you paid $1500
  10. Obsolete? Lmao I don't think you know what that means. My GPU was uncontested for 2 years... yours was on top for a few months..and lost the raster performance crown You also spent much more... and don't use it because you don't game. Gaming is WORK for you. And I'm putting you to work... do your chores bitch I also proved that you're a liar by posting proof of me talking about playing GOW on the day it launched. Liarhurey LOL! But I do admit I BARELY played it..in the grand scheme of things... Which is why I didn't buy a PS5... s
  11. There's idiots who think that... and run out to spend $1500 on a GPU But then again there's also idiots who buy PS5s and don't ever play it either
  12. Yea, but you gotta remember.. this is an old benchmark by todays standards. Developers are far more knowledgeable now in how to properly utilize RT than they were when they created this benchmark. They could make this same benchmark far more performant now on both architectures. But also, remember that this is a 2080ti though.. the 3080 and 3090 are really quite far ahead. AMD still has some work to do to catch up to Nvidia with their RT implementation, and same with FSR. I'm not taking a cheap shot or anything.. FSR at the moment is decent, has it's good implementat
  13. Just my typical 24/7 one. +150core +900mem
  14. could probably hit 10k if I tried.
  15. Remij

    Sony 3rd party

    Let's be real... it makes no sense these days to not release your games everywhere possible. Games, and specifically the kind that Sony likes to make... take hundreds of millions of $$$ and 4-5 year to create. Now, Sony's done a great job of building their franchises, and they're typically massive successes.. however they're always wanting more. When you create franchises like that, as big as Sony's own ecosystem is... they want to expand outward. It makes no sense for them not to release their games on other capable platforms. The games (before services) is what really makes them their m
  16. @Cooke No..... Go to the page and download the demo... the demo comes with the free benchmarks... It's the button on the right side of the page (beside the "add to cart" button) https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/
  17. Huh? Pretty sure timespy and the general 3dmark benchmarks are all free.
  18. bubu Halo Infinite's campaign and MP modes are using completely different engines.. didn't you know? What a dumbass
  19. Polished off Kraken and Tiamat, finished the Temple of Fiends and killed Chaos. GG Garland Roughly 13h to fully complete the game 100%. Could have probably done it faster if I tried, but I pretty much fought every battle and didn't really run away (the fast forward auto-battle is nice to have) I give it an extremely solid 8/10. Obviously I'm still partial to the classic NES version, but this is honestly the best modern version of the game you can buy. This version is really well done... I'm honestly quite surprised that SquareEnix actually
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