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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm proving you lied... by you not having a single trophy for the game I guess your PS4 just FORGOT to count trophies for that one game.. eh?
  2. I proved you wrong by showing you have no trophies for it. Plain and simple. You lied about playing it. But ok... here's a post of me talking about playing God of War... on the release date... So are you ready to shut the fuck up about me not ever playing PS4 since 2014??
  3. You lied then... obviously. It's not on your profile which I can verify. Your rules... since pics don't count
  4. @-GD-X ok yea, this is awesome. Once you've beaten the demo, they add additional conditions to previous ones that you've already solved, and you have to change them to allow for and make the new conditions true. I just did one that really made me feel clever as fuck.. because I tried it, doubting it would work... but then to my surprise it actually did. Very cool. I can see them getting really tough later on
  5. I already proved it. You profile doesn't show any trophies. You haven't played it. Period.
  6. I love that your profile confirms you've never played it... and yet you're trying to argue otherwise... lmfao reminds me of something
  7. That's not your profile. Taking your bro's profile and changing the pic to the same as yours isn't nice. Yours clearly shows no trophies for this game. Because you didn't play it.
  8. LMAO I ask him to drop the fanboy shit... and then his next sentence is more of the same fanboy shit
  9. No you didn't. That could be anyone's profile. YOURS shows you haven't played it... at all.. ever
  10. No... I didn't say those games didn't count dude.. lmfao. And if I ever did.. that would mean you were saying they did. which makes you a hypocrite.. I already told you... think whatever helps you sleep better at night dude.
  11. Yea, I thought you might be interested in it. I wonder how complex it's going to get in the full game.
  12. Let's be real here for a second. Drop the fanboy shit. Xbox just got a 92 meta game this week. And some 30/40 somethings are whining that "it doesn't count" This is so fucking pathetic
  13. The funny thing I found is again you're talking about a game you have never played. I just checked your profile... and you've NEVER played Journey... not on PS3... nor PS4... LMFAO the streak continues
  14. Did that make you not count them when that was all you had? Switches BEST game to this day is literally a WiiU port MSFS isn't even a port... the game was announced for both PC and Xbox way before it released... the Xbox version simply came less than a year later.
  15. lmfao what? I may make fun of the games being ports... but give me a break.. I never said Demon's Souls Remake doesn't count on metacritic... Like I said... there's a BIG difference in getting basic ass re-releases on Switch from the WiiU... which Nintendo has done a FUCK TON of... and a game like MSFS going to Xbox less than a year after the PC release.. as a first ever for the series... Give me a damn break. You guys can NEVER have an honest argument with me.
  16. What games have I not counted on other consoles? list them...
  17. LMAO this clown. There's a difference between Mario Kart 8.. and Mario Kart 8 deluxe being re-released on Switch.. and Xbox getting a game which was never on an Xbox console before LMFAO most of Nintendo's own games on Switch are fucking basic ass ports from their previous system
  18. It's the exact same game... just prettier.. and they prided themselves about that fact. LMAO PS5's best game is a 2009 game And they're both EXACTLY the same in the fact that you didn't play either version
  19. LOLOL oh ok Jerry. Alright... Flight Sim on Xbox doesn't count cause it's a port. You can rest easy now Sheep fucks
  20. The best game on PS5 is a port of a game that came out in 2009 You also didn't play it.... a common theme ALL these games have.
  21. Metacritic doesn't care about your fee fees Ask them whether it counts or not.. then cry yourself to sleep
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