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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The placement and size of the buttons is comfort...
  2. Nah. They're almost certainly better than the Switch. Small shitty analog nubs which drift after a short time.. literal buttons for a d-pad.. crappy feeling tiny buttons.. LMAO no... sorry dude.
  3. It's going to be just fine. There's people who like smaller phones.. and there's people who like big phones... This is no different. But the fact that you guys are sitting here saying one is butt ugly and the other is sleek... just makes me laugh.
  4. And Switch's joycons are cramped and uncomfortable to use. The Deck is a full fledged PC.
  5. You're just being stupid. They're both literally a screen flanked by some controls.. The ridiculous looking ugly one if any is the one which has some bright toyish colors coming from it... like Fisher Price shit. I just can't take you guys seriously with this shit I can understand saying it doesn't look anything special.. or whatever... but one being "great" and the other "ugly as fuck"... nah fam
  6. It looks like a cheap toy.. lmao what world do you want me to live in? Explain how it's worse than a Switch my dude...
  7. ^ Spider man is a PS5 exclusive he says Look at the stupid shit you can get this clown to commit to saying... all because he simply can't shut up when he's been bitch slapped
  8. You're pure MAD right now... as a.. whatever you want to call yourself
  9. LMAO now you have to play games with certain settings enabled for them to be considered exclusive!! OMFG.. he ACTUALLY tried claiming that Spider Man with RT is a different game than Spider Man without it
  10. DavidP: LMAO fake cow Jerry: ME? No... I'm not! DavidP: You said I was a Lemming because I agreed with them a lot lately... you're agreeing a lot with the cows lately Remij: Used his own logic against him Yes... FUCKING SLAUGHTERED
  11. Fucking MURDERED with his own logic
  12. He should help you out by playing some games for you
  13. 210 is his trophy score. He's got just under 1000 trophies... in 13 years Meanwhile I have a score of 226 with 1100 trophies on my OLD account which I haven't used since 2014... He's still playing catchup to my OLD account
  14. No you haven't. You haven't played any PS5 exclusive release past 1 trophy. You're also in no rush to play Ratshit and Clunk... THAT IS VERY CLEAR. So you must be playing on your PC then... since Switch has had a completely shit year, that means it's the only logical conclusion. All this... coming from a guy who on one hand says PS5 is the most amazing shit ever... and PC sucks on the other.... when his own actions show the complete opposite
  15. Even Spider-man MM is a cross-gen game. So yea, a 2h tech demo is all he's played... but spends all his nights on here begging people to post their profiles and emulator save game statistics Like... just shut up and play some games dude
  16. Those are cross-gen PS4 games... not PS5 exclusives. Nice to know you can't read either
  17. He literally hasn't played any PS5 exclusive games past 1 trophy The only PS5 games he's played are PS4 cross-gen games... Watch him run in here and claim that Astro's Playroom is a full game
  18. That's like you trying to play PS5 games You start... collect 1 trophy... then lose interest Thanks for the perfect analogy of your PS5 experience so far
  19. This is why I laugh at the "but you have to play this exclusive right now or it doesn't count" type bullshit here... LMAO I'm almost 38 years old... I'll play whatever.. whenever it suits me
  20. Buying a PS5, talking shit to people about exclusives and them waiting to play games.... and NEVER having played a PS5 exclusive in any real capacity... the hypocrisy my LORD
  21. lmao no response cause you're verifiably fucking OWNED
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