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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, your entire response is unbelievably pathetic.. and you can't believe you typed it... because you know it's bullshit. People don't buy things they don't want... and that's it. LMAO "You hate Playstation so THAT's why you're not buying one" "You're GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY to not buy one" OMFG Me not owning a PS5 is literally pissing off these cows (sheep)
  2. That's alright man, we don't need to agree on everything. I think in the end, the negative stuff press reviewers speak about Playstation aren't integral to people liking/wanting the system/games. Like negative press about cross-play stuff, or not having a gamepass equivalent isn't really as negative as it's portrayed to be.. because the userbase is massive, and they've already proven that they buy games. Those things are "nice to haves"... and Sony is iffy on them... but those issues aren't going to move the needle at all on their own. And I feel that negative Sony stuff is alwa
  3. Nah, you'll still have to link a Facebook account. But it's really not intrusive and you can just turn all that shit off so nobody knows anything. I totally understand if that's a dealbreaker for you though. Air Link is just a way of wirelessly connecting the Quest 2 to PC and play PCVR games on it. It works seamlessly with Oculus' app and SteamVR. So you have access to all the games on both platforms. The Index is quite a bit more expensive, but is undoubtedly superior overall. The controllers are better for sure.. but of course, you're tethered (might
  4. Well, they're butthurt that not everyone agrees Sony's games are the best, and/or overrated. This is just my natural progression man. I used to be a huge Sony fanboy... but consoles in general have lost me since the late PS3 and PS4 gen. Outside of Sony exclusive games, my PS4 might as well not have even existed.. and I'm not about buying every console anymore just for a few good games. Look at the WiiU and how it failed... and then Nintendo makes a different system, launches almost all of the same WiiU games on it again... and they completely sell gangbusters and rev
  5. Get a Quest 2 and connect to PC with Air Link and never look back lol. You have access to all the best VR platforms, while being completely untethered and free to easily take and move it anywhere. That kind of experience is worth more than any spec bullshit. I'm sure Sony will have some sick PSVR2 games though. That's actually one of the big areas I think Sony should focus on with their PC endeavors.. Bring your VR games to PC as well... it just makes sense to support as large of a user base as possible. And PCVR devs should absolutely focus on bringing
  6. I don't breh. That's a desperate deflection attempt from an entire forum of butthurt cows. Think logically my dude... If I cared about them THAT much... I'd own a PS5 already. The fact that I don't care enough about them... to either wait for them to come to PC, or not play them at all... says everything. This is my first generation where I haven't bought a PS console at launch. I feel absolutely NO desire to own one this time around.
  7. It's baffling It's funny how Twinky posts some shit about GS reviewers being full of shit... and then the next day is like OMFG teh AAAz Playstashun rulz
  8. You live in this world where you think that we couldn't already own PS5's if we wanted to. LMAO like come the fuck on.. "you hate PS5 because you don't have access to one"... no... I don't have one because I don't give a shit about owning one Why the fuck can't Sony fanboys just accept that not everybody gives a shit about Sony's open world action template games and that just because they get prettier doesn't mean they're any better?
  9. What kind of fucking retarded post is this? Sega stopping making Judgement doesn't mean losing PS4/PS5 sales.... it means they make a new game without this dipshit actor and sell MORE by ALSO being on PC. And hunnie.... hate to break it to you... but Sega makes most of their money from PC. And PS5 might as well not even exist in Japan... lmfao WiiU ass trajectory for that system... And LOL Switch.... you'll be lucky to get anything that isn't indie level shit from SEGA there..
  10. And you have to wait 2 gens... since your console gets the gen before last gen version
  11. Nah... ps3 gen it happened.. ps4 gen it happened... Stop making up lies.. and nobody gives a shit lmfao
  12. They've literally done this every gen lmfao. Who. The. Fuck. Cares?
  13. I love gaming and tech documentaries. In fact, I love documentaries in general. Will definitely be checking this one out.
  14. Ok. It was just a warning as some aren't.
  15. Possibly wont fit in the case. Dell always has some fucked up proprietary design so that you can't just swap shit like that.
  16. He's right and you know it. Nobody gave a fuck about Ratchet before this. The ONLY reason why they care this time is because it's an actual PS5 built from the ground up game... and current gen console gamers are starving for games that give their plastic box meaning..
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