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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not only that... but I just can't take someone who looks like that seriously.
  2. @-GD-X I got that LEGO Builders Journey game and I've been playing it in small chunks. I remember that you were interested in it (it's also on Switch) It's a very nice calm and relaxing game, but it does have some issues that I wasn't really expecting. I dunno, maybe it's just me... but the controls are just really unintuitive. In my mind, I expected the controls to be like: Move the cursor freely with the analog stick, put it over the block you want to pick up and press and hold button to pick it up, move it with the analog stick, turn it with the L+R buttons or triggers a
  3. That's fair. I'm not really trying to argue or change anyone's opinion about him lmao... I'm just saying I've seen him be nice too. But yea, the thread isn't about him. There's always going to be people like him who don't give a shit. Best to just ignore and move on.
  4. IMO 2 improved gameplay elements over the first.. but the setting, atmosphere, horror, setup, story and and overall design of the first is much better. The best things from the second game could retroactively be put into the first game and make it better... which is possibly what they are going to do.
  5. REmake wasn't almost exactly the same as the original... Not even close. A good remake changes things, sometimes drastically and it a positive way that makes sense... yet still retains the familiar feel.
  6. That's a hard nah. Best story, atmosphere, sound design, and just better horror design overall belong to the first
  7. Did you read the OP at all RE2 remake is what he said.... and that game vastly differs from RE2 in many ways...
  8. It's a reboot but similar shit RE2 Remake changes a lot of shit from the original RE2.... yet it's still called a Remake... This "remake" could take the setting from the first game and it could be a completely different realization of it. Who knows? Point is... there's plenty of people who want them. And it's the best game in the series easily
  9. Well it is And I already explained why this is the case. It's a safer bet when you have a studio that has never worked with the IP before.. You lost your shit when Mirrors Edge Catalyst was announced and it was essentially a remake of the first game. If DICE announced a remake of some retarded Battlefield game you loved, you'd lose your shit as well. People lost their shit over FF7R.... uh, let's count all the other remakes people lose their shit over. If you don't care... that's fine. The remake isn't meant for you.
  10. I get it... but I'm extremely happy with this news. It's what I want, because like I said, I love everything about the original Dead Space. As stated in the article, they're obviously seeing what Capcom is doing and how well their remakes have done. It's a pretty easy template to follow, and thus by remaking the best game in the series, it allows them to become familiar with the IP and they can potentially improve on it. Much like Capcom did with the original Resident Evil Remake. It's a safer bet.
  11. https://venturebeat.com/2021/07/01/dead-space-remake-is-in-the-works-at-motive/ Oh fucking LORD.... hype engaging. Still need to see it of course...
  12. Bump https://venturebeat.com/2021/07/01/hideo-kojimas-deal-with-xbox-reaches-key-milestone/
  13. https://venturebeat.com/2021/07/01/hideo-kojimas-deal-with-xbox-reaches-key-milestone/ It's definitely happening. lol Jehurey and his whiskey lullaby
  14. DLSS2.2 is fucking magic. Ghosting is pretty much gone, and it even resolves more detail than before as well as being even more temporally stable
  15. We’ve heard your feedback about the lack of Japanese lip sync in the original version of Ghost of Tsushima, and it’s something we worked hard to address in this new release. Thanks to the PS5’s ability to render cinematics in real time, cutscenes in Ghost of Tsushima and on Iki Island on PS5 will now offer lip sync for Japanese voice over. Were the cutscenes pre-rendered on PS4 or something?
  16. Hmmm... this one is kinda weird. I'm still in the camp that they're being acquired by Sony... it makes too much sense.. as again like with Nixxes, Sony want these technically proficient developers to help support their own studios, if not develop their own games. But it is weird for them to go and change their Twitter bio to read "Fully independent self-funded studio" after that little mess up by Playstation Japan.
  17. Nixxes is best known for their great PC ports of games. They are a porting studio...but they are also known for helping and assisting studios to deliver their games across many different platforms. Seems like a smart get for Sony... and given their plan to expand their franchises to PC, it makes perfect sense that they would do that. Not saying that's ALL they will be doing, but it makes too much sense.
  18. No. But I do consider someone who's willing to go out of their way to do something for someone who they hardly know on the internet and not ask for anything in return to be a selfless act, yes. I've seen him do it multiple times... and these are NOT people he's extremely close to.. People are complex. I understand that someone can lack empathy for others, but still have good qualities. I've already told you he can be an asshole, I've already stated he completely lacks empathy... I never said that having some good qualities absolves him of anything... I simply stated he's not c
  19. I never said it did. The statement was that he lacks the ability to empathize for others. That was the statement What I said was that despite that, he's not a completely terrible person.. He's capable of being nice, and selfless too.
  20. Gonna have to watch The Sopranos again before watching this.
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