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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Maybe it's so hot because of all the Catholic churches being lit on fire due to the mass amount of graves full of innocent children being found at formal residential schools? We've done some REALLY fucked up shit in our history
  2. Halo has one of the biggest stories with literal shit tons of lore and backstory. (most of it is in the books though)
  3. Post the list - I already posted the publishers No post the list of games -No, publishers are on board, more games will come Nooo the games suck.. that's why you wont post the list -Shut the fuck up... pubs are on board and more games are coming See you lost.. because you can't post the list for me to laugh at... Fucking LOSER.
  4. "bubu don't post the 50 publishers... post the games.." repeat repeat repeat Nobody gives a FUCK about what you deem as acceptable or laughable.. If the tech is good, then adoption will happen.
  5. LOL just shut your trap dude. You have no credibility at all about anything... arbitrary or not. More jerry go round shit now about some dumb fucking list your expecting
  6. Who gives a shit about the game list currently? No shit something that JUST came out, and that requires being integrated on a game by game basis is going to have a shitty list of support. DLSS didn't really get much support until 2.0.. then shit started blasting off because everyone wanted it. What's more important is how good it is... because that's what will decide it's adoption in the long run. LMAO you just want to argue about some fucking arbitrary list now instead of the tech itself...
  7. Remij

    IGN lmao

    AutoHDR is actually pretty damn good. It's very noticeable in many games. @Vini that screenshot is accurate. That's how an SDR image looks on an HDR monitor...
  8. Stock drops on discord. I'm in the 3090 and 3080ti channels. And nah, I tried again a few minutes later and they were still in stock and I was still able to add to my cart. I kept an eye on it and about 5 min later it was back to out of stock. They basically alert you a few minutes before they go live, and you have all your shit ready to just add to cart and checkout immediately.
  9. Hopefully it's everything I want. That would be amazing as I'd given up hope of ever seeing the franchise really revived outside of some basic remasters down the line. Remake of the first one is precisely what I want. Add some stuff to it, but keep most things the same. I feel like Dead Space is an almost perfect horror game.
  10. I got another alert for a 3090 today, again was easily able to add it to my cart.
  11. lol sorry but I gotta laugh. You always complain about games being unfair
  12. You're right to call him out on acting like Jehurey though... because like him Gouko can't have an honest argument to save his life either... His arguments hinge on him repeating that you said something you didn't say... then just arguing about that endlessly while being condescending. He did the same thing to me right in this thread. You can't talk with these idiots
  13. It's a tiny little demo my dude, not a full blown game production
  14. This stuff in the hands of AAA developers is gonna be crazy
  15. 20fps cutscenes 20-50fps gameplay.. not locked, and not stable at all.
  16. Yea, it's tough due to how many times Xseed has dropped the ball in the past. I'm still just amazed they're still happening.
  17. Actually, I was just looking around on Twitter, and it appears that NISAmerica is actually teaming up with the Geofront team for the localiztions. That's not 100% confirmed yet... but it seems to be that way. That is AWESOME... as the Geofront translations will undoubtedly be superior to anything the usual localization houses do. EDIT: Confirmed https://geofront.esterior.net/2021/06/25/from-fantasy-to-reality-our-partnership-with-nis-america/
  18. Trails from Zero is really good. I own the game already on PC with the Geofront translation.. but I'm super happy it's coming and being officially localized.
  19. lmfao dude, I haven't said shit one way or the other... simply that it's not outside the realm of possibility that this guy had some dirt on very powerful people... and that the government has assassinated people for less.
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