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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lmfao dude, I haven't said shit one way or the other... simply that it's not outside the realm of possibility that this guy had some dirt on very powerful people... and that the government has assassinated people for less.
  2. Did I say it was from Tax evasion? Is it insane to think, after all that's publicly known about this guy... that he doesn't have some deep shit on people of power? What is wrong with you guys?
  3. You're trying too hard The game looks like shit.... on Switch. Will look better, and best on PC, either emulated or natively when it comes.
  4. Oh fuck off clown.. I said "I thought my youtube was stuck on 360p... but nope" And nobody said anything about it needing to be bleeding edge... lmfao what the fuck
  5. I'm not trashing the game sweetie... I'm trashing the IQ of the game on Switch. It looks fucking terrible
  6. I think it will look like shit... yes. "look and run great" he says
  7. Yea, so I can play it now... or play it later. My choice. Again... options. I couldn't IMAGINE playing this on a 55'' plus TV at that resolution.. omfg I feel sorry for you
  8. You're acting like the government hasn't killed people for much less
  9. Well, look at the IQ of the game on Switch. I'd gladly never ever play it if it meant having to look at that soupy shit lmfao. I've got no problem emulating it to look better, or simply waiting for the PC version. I've got options... you don't LOL
  10. Nah. And the comparison shots I post are going to be hilarious
  11. Do whatever the fuck you want to do with it now SquareEnix.. I give absolutely 0 fucks
  12. Fuck yea, Trails from Zero They're really far out though.. although they're probably just tentative placeholders. You can likely expect them to be on Steam, and coming to consoles as well.
  13. Oh, it'll come for sure. And yea, the game will run on a toaster.
  14. No. It's not necessary on PC. PC loads games faster than Series X in almost every instance. What PC will have... when DirectStorage comes to it... is the ability to go BEYOND what consoles can... because we already have hardware that smashes 3.5GB/s. So yea, consoles are holding back PC... not leading.
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