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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Now he's just straight up lying and not even trying You ACTUALLY thought you've played more RT games than me? And PS5 made you think that and you only own 3 games for it OMFG
  2. Sheep losing their games is always cause for celebration That Switch game... will be best on PC too. This year.
  3. Yes years. And no you haven't... LMFAO. Now run along... weren't you playing Ratchet and Clank 2016 or something before Gouko called you to bail him out?
  4. Thanks for admitting you're YEARS late... after me. And no I've been playing RT games since 2019 fgt... welcome to the next generation... finally!
  5. Twinky got fucked over a bit and is understandably upset. Of course he likes PC as a platform better. He's only wishing it was more like the old days when new and insane looking games didn't cost hundreds of millions to make... which simply isn't the reality anymore. It's not PC's fault... and he knows that. It's a reality of development. Those games take time and money.. and the only people who fork over that money are platform holders. Thing is... he also knows he's fighting a losing battle. Console manufacturers that want to produce the biggest games possible... HAVE to op
  6. lmfao... oh but he DOES think he's giving you a history lesson. It's absolutely hilarious the hypocrisy of these two fgt sheep. Neither of them have played ANY Persona or SMT game... and they're dickriding SMT5 hard... and expect anyone else to take them serious bubu Persona 5 Royal is an old game They're too good for Persona 5 apparently... and yet Sheep EVERYWHERE are begging for that game literally...
  7. Yea, I did that mid way through the PS4 gen. So much that I stopped buying games for the consoles and decided I wasn't buying multiple platforms ever again. But Sheep and cows acting like PS games going to PC isn't ownage is just hilarious. They're trying so hard to play the old games angle.. like as if that matters one bit Playstation Studios is on PC
  8. I didn't imagine you playing 2016's Ratchet and Clank though... in anticipation Damn, playing a 2016 game in 2021... jesus.. hard times. And after all that arguing you were doing about old ports of old games. Jehypocrite
  9. Considering that he hasn't played ANY... yea, that's not hard. Neither him nor Jehurey have ever played a Persona game or SMT game... you can check their profiles
  10. You're literally tagging him in... because you lost and wanted to tuck tail That's for admitting that
  11. "The entire forum" lmao so in other words 3 people? So mad about PS games... and games they've never played before. Neither of them have played Persona..... but SMT5 is OMFG THE MOST AMAZING THIGN GOTTA HAVE IT!!@! Ramza point out the pure fucking hypocrisy of these two fucking clowns so badly. LMAO.. ONLY interested in SMT because it's Switch only..
  12. And now he called his buttbuddy into the thread
  13. Nope, you two have factually argued about and defended Sony's games going to PC more than any cow has on this forum, and that's undebatable. Ori comes to Switch - OMG LEMS OWNED UC4 comes to PC - Remi's a beggar lmfao clown ass retarded ass pathetic ass Sheep
  14. Holy shit lmfao now he's just mumbling nonsense.. Cows/sheep were so confident that Horizon was a PSNow only game on PC.. and that it would never natively come... and then that it was a one-off because of Decima.... and then that Days Gone was just cause UE4... and then OOPS... UC4 is coming... bubu it's old... remi u beggar Fucking CLOWN ASS SHEEP. Especially you and Jehurey. You two are the most defensive about PS games coming to PC... and thus are ironically the most owned... and THAT is why you're trying so fucking hard in this thread
  15. I've played Persona 5 hun.... I also got Strikers day 1 Royal coming to other platforms is only cow rape to me.... and it doesn't come at the expense of me getting new games either Idiot fuck nut
  16. You did. You defended Mario Kart 8D on Switch as some new game that deserved a better score.. fucking clown... now keep denying it And OMFG.... you guys see that.... when it comes to ME and talking about PS games being ported to PC.... after cows said it would never happen... I'm a port begger.... but with them... and Ori... it was just ownage because it was MS gamez Fucking clown ass sheep OMFG
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