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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Nope, it's all in the what you're playing thread. I don't even know their account names Look at you bragging about the visuals of a game you've never ever played. Yea, you'll get around to it... once everyone else has already moved on to other shit What a hypocrite
  2. I don't care what you said SON And yea... you're a FINE hypocrite. Criticizing me about old games and playing old 2017/2019 PS4 games on my PC while you're there playing 2016's Ratchet and Clank and fucking Black Flag
  3. And no... LOL I simply look at the "What are you playing" thread every so often..
  4. Ahh... if only owning things meant that you have played them.... Another instance of you being a hypocrite You're... literally waiting to play a new game... until you've finished up some old ones....
  5. All the others: "Hey OMFG man did you get to that part in Ratchet and Clank?" "Oh yea at the end of level 5 with the massive setpiece" "Yea holy that was awesome" Jehurey: "I'm playing Black Flag right now and it's running like shit on my $2500 PC"
  6. Oh man... look at him. I point out how CLEARLY hypocritical he is.. and he tries to hand wave. LMAO I'm going to repeat it again. Madmaltese GD Lynux Ike Twinblade Delita .....ALL have played Ratchet and Clank.. most have beaten it. People who haven't played it at all? Jehurey Remij and THIS motherfucker is the one spouting off about PS5 having such great games that nobody cares about anything else You haven't played Demon's Souls... nor Ratchet... nor Retu
  7. They fawn over every big game. WOW two videos on a new game! And that second video was made because they got a patch too late to include it in their first video. Let me know when they say Ratchet and Clank is the best looking game period. They haven't... and you know that.
  8. Sure you do. And telling me the entire forum is butthurt isn't news Jerry... I KNOW the entire forum is butthurt about me bringing up the fact that PS games are coming to PC and are no longer exclusives. Again, you being a hypocrite... speaking about them being old games and nobody cares.... and yet all you've been doing lately is playing old games. You haven't even played Ratchet and Clank: RA yet. All the others have... but you're busy playing ASSASSINS CREED BLACK FLAG for crying out loud That's why you're so much madder than the
  9. No they didn't. Link where they say anything of the sort. You can't.
  10. Yes you do. And "this forum" is full of butthurt PS fanboys mad because PS games are coming to PC, and that I point it out every single time it happens. You're DEFINITELY butthurt that Horizon ZD came to PC, after you boldly claimed it wasn't and that the PSNow version was "the PC version". I laughed... because that's what a person who's confident in what he says does when others double down on being wrong.
  11. Ah, so nobody said it, and you can't quote it or timestamp it. Hmm.. not surprising.
  12. You go around being actively butthurt because I poke fun at you "losing" games though. And that's what the issue is... I make fun of you LOSING something... It's not about me gaining something... it's you LOSING something. You're so butthurt over it you claim I haven't played a PS game since 2014... despite clearly proving to you I own the games and the system And it's just so hilarious that you try so hard to poke fun about how "old" the games are... and here you are playing old ass games on your 3090 You're such a pathetic hypocrit
  13. Yep, me bringing it up.. to show how much of a hypocrite you are.... AGAIN Yea... little did you know that your PC you built to play CP2077 specifically would only play that game specifically well
  14. Your PC's so good it's bad Also hilarious that you bought a $2500 PC to play Black Flag
  15. Oh so the game just got worse... as newer hardware got better Your PC is fucked... and it doesn't surprise me
  16. They didn't declare anything. And you can't post proof of them declaring anything either
  17. "newer technology shaders" ?? This fucking clown
  18. EXACTLY lmfao... Right after he got his stimulus checks he bought PC parts.. and wanted REALLY BADLY to flip some to make a bit of extra money off it. Going from a 970 with some garbage CPU to something new has fucked his brain up and he can't help but say retarded shit That's a funny thing too.... him talking down to others while he always defended his 970 from Jonb when he was clowning him about it!! "bubu my 970 can wun da gaem better than the console "
  19. The most use Jerry's gotten from his $2500 PC is bragging about it on this forum
  20. Ratchet probably wont even win the best graphics of this year.. lmfao FH5 is gonna be right on that RAT ASS
  21. No they didn't. They say Ratchet and Clank is "ONE of the best looking games" Link to John specifically saying "THE best looking game" You can't do it. And thus you.......................lost
  22. I'll take it up with you. Post the article, and post the video. Timestamped. You already lost btw.
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