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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Gouko... sweetie... they're both brand new games to you hun... You haven't played either. And you're not going to play SMT... just like you didn't play Persona 5
  2. Oh yea, he hyped Mario Kart 8 Deluxe like it was all new Also Ori 1 and 2... lemmings were SO owned!
  3. What does that have to do with anything? lmfao.. You're saying your too good to play a game you've never played before, because some other new game came out Fucking retarded ass sheep
  4. Darius Crimson Clover Rolling Gunner 🤣😂
  5. He only plays new games. I'm going to remember that
  6. LMFAO they are BOTH new to you idiot. That's like telling someone they shouldn't play BOTW1 because... BOTW2 is new game God damn MORON And his system is BUILT off ports of old games (ones that he hasn't ever played)
  7. I dunno, again they made her look more realistic with more realistic skin and hair/eye/everything else shaders. I think her face looks mostly the same as before, design/shape-wise.
  8. You wont be interested in either. You haven't ever played P5.. not on PS3, and you've never ever played PS4... at all. So, Persona 5 is a brand new game to you... no matter which version you play. But I suspect you wont buy or play SMT5 neither..
  9. No it doesn't. PC has more exclusives than Switch lmfao... about 5 released while I posted this.
  10. That's not hard to do.... cows and sheep don't post about anything other than MS and Xbox
  11. No. Aloy looks much better in this new game IMO. The shaders and animation work are just on another level completely.
  12. Mad cause God of War 2 is coming to PS4 alongside PS5... harassing Alanah saying some pretty evil shit.. Imagine now when GoW 1 and 2 are announced for PC and they're better than their PS counter parts... Look out!
  13. I'd say if anything they've probably improved the game for PS5. It'll still run like shit... but they SHOULD have worked out some of the engine issues and optimization since then.
  14. The game could have been alright... but your character/s are just painfully slow to move and respond. It's a slog to go through.
  15. Trust me, it's the cows who are raped by this one
  16. Yea, losing Johan was the big blow to them for me personally. But who knows? Every time someone is replaced is the potential for someone with an entirely new perspective for the engine to improve it is there. There's lots of hungry new people waiting for their chance to make a mark. We'll have to see what happens. Hopefully Frostbite has been improved and with the power of PC and new consoles, we can see some truly spectacular stuff.
  17. I've numbed myself to ever getting hyped about these games... but this is a few times now I've heard that this is a real next-gen game.
  18. Your entire platform is built off old ass games... trust me.. the irony of that coming from two sheep is the most hilarious thing here
  19. Yep, mad. Mad about games you've never played, going to a system you don't play... that seems to be the sheep MO
  20. They always seem to forget that. Goukosan is getting mad about PC gamers playing PS4 games.... and yet he hasn't ever played a PS4 game EVER!
  21. Sheep getting the most butthurt over a game they don't even have Truly the most butthurt buttfucked faction there is. Cucked with their own games, and mad defensive about other factions games Their console literally built on the basis of old ports They'll argue all night about them too... if you humor them 😂🤣
  22. I honestly don't think it's so much that. I just think that was quite objectively the best time for RPGs, which are my favorite genre. Square was killing it... there was tons of innovation and new things happening. PS was pushing the mature/violent games and I think a lot of the best IP was created, or massively overhauled during that generation. Maybe I'd say the 32bit/64bit generation altogether was my absolute favorite. You don't hear me talk too much shit about games from those days.. nor do I ever talk about how unplayable they are now.. because I genuinely think they're j
  23. Eww.. no way. But this isn't the thread for that. One of the GOATS
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