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Everything posted by Remij

  1. One of my favs Oh and another one I could actually go on and on and on with awesome PS1 game intros, truly the best video game system of all time
  2. Zelda BOTW2 = best on PC Metroid Prime 4 = best on PC Bayonetta 3 = best on PC lmfao it's not going to end. What a worthless fucking console
  3. NO! You have to play games in the year/month they launch or it doesn't count!! It doesn't matter that they look better, run better, and the problems have been patched up!! You're owned cause you didn't play it first!! Says a man in his 40s... who's been playing a 2016 patched PS4 game on his PS5 in the meantime
  4. And don't forget, Sheep have been begging for that game from the beginning too.. lmfao Bodycount
  5. I'm not quite sure if I'll get it right away or not. I'm playing quite a bit of other stuff atm.. but we'll see.
  6. There's the denial... which cucked men typically go through... before acceptance
  7. Hey retard... I said what I said. There's no room for discussion here. You agreed to it too. The show can be whatever it is.... I said they wont release a bigger more high profile game than either Zelda SS HD or Pokemon DS remakes. That's what I said. And I stand by it.
  8. I don't care what the show said lmfao. That doesn't change what *I* said... and what you agreed to. Nintendo wont release a bigger game than either Zelda SS HD or Pokemom 3D remakes this year. Those are your big Nintendo games this year.
  9. Uh, excuse me? I said they wont RELEASE any games bigger than those two this year... and you accepted it. And they wont.
  10. You're the one claiming you're in an exclusive relationship with your girl... just that another guy fucks her whenever he wants
  11. You don't get a single exclusive for you platform lmfao... they're ALL on PC
  12. ^he's not mad guys he swears Ok let's make it a perm ban bet. Nintendo will not release a higher profile game than Zelda SS or Pokemon Remakes this year. So yes, those are Nintendo's biggest games for this year. Take it or shut the fuck up clown
  13. And look how you're projecting that you're not butthurt, but yet this is the most you've posted on this forum in some time Keep not caring dude
  14. Are you fucking stupid... I think you really are. Nintendo doesn't release 3rd party games.... 3rd parties do... I said NINTENDO will not release (a game of their own) bigger than Zelda SS/Pokemon this year. And lmfao dude, I never EVER said Nintendo wont announced release dates for bigger games at E3.
  15. Yea you did. You counted those games for every single time you mentioned them on this forum... and mentioned their sales... and mentioned how they counted for your Metacritic win that one year... You're not getting out of that sweetie. Switch's entire platform was built of porting WiiU games to it I remember getting in an argument with you about Mario Kart Deluxe being the same shit as it was on WiiU and you went to great lengths to claim it was a new Switch game with more content deserving of it's higher score This bitch is really hypocritic
  16. OMFG he's trying so hard to say that with a straight face Nintendo... will not release a game bigger than Zelda SS HD, or Pokemon DS remakes... lmfao The 3rd party games you're listing are hilarious. Rise is not exclusive, neither is REV3 according to leaks... and No More Heroes 3 wont be either And I AM backing up what I said idiot. Nintendo will not publish a game bigger than Zelda SS HD and their Pokemon DS Remakes this year... lmfao REMAKES AND RERELEASES... THAT'S NINTENDO's plan for this year. And you're buying them up... at fu
  17. I didn't say all the games I posted weren't remakes idiot You're acting like they're NEW exclusives though
  18. I said you better hope so... because your year has been TRASH so far
  19. It's a remake of an ancient game. One that's still better on Gameboy after all these years, and BOTH are best on PC Get mad
  20. Yeah, they better hope so.. except the chances of those games being anything other than remakes and ports of old games is slim
  21. It's funny how it's really only the Sheep that end up being owned, as they're the only ones who attempt to defend it
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