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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LMAO he thinks those games I listed are remakes and not ports Damn, Sheep are losing it. Gouko's entire year is riding on a Shin Megami Tensai game and No More Heroes 3 What a fucking pathetic year for Sheep. And they can't even celebrate next year, because their best game will be playable on PC day 1
  2. People don't beg for things they take by force
  3. You will be... when you post your sales thread bragging how much it sold And Sheep bragged about Mario Kart Deluxe, bragged about Zelda Links Awakening, bragged about Xenblade Chronicles, bragged about Bayonetta games, bragged about Tokyo Mirage sessions, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3..... LMFAO.. retarded sheep. And yea, this is system wars sweetie.... when you lose exclusives, you lose them. Doesn't matter when they're from... and that's not even considering the fact that NMH1+2 re-released on Switch in 2019... Sheep begging for their old game
  4. You're not getting it exclusively in 7 weeks.
  5. MH Rise isn't an exclusive, and I never said they didn't count... I said they weren't NINTENDO games. Nintendo's games this year are... ports of 2011 and 2006 games... which Sheep will EAT THE FUCK UP AT FULL PRICE Showing just how hypocritical these dumbfuck sheep are...when they act like people buy $1200 GPUs for a single game
  6. Not exclusive... and not even a Nintendo game
  7. Nice non answer Nintendo's biggest games this year? HD port of 2011 Skyward Sword, and some 2006 Pokemon 3DS remakes
  8. What Nintendo game is bigger this year? LMFAO And your platform (the Switch) is entirely BUILT from ports shut the fuck up clown
  9. So you're not playing Nintendo biggest game this year. LMAO great to know And I'll be playing all those too
  10. ^lmao this post This is where I can just walk away... because despite being retarded since the very beginning, everyone can see how pathetically desperate you are to just keep this thing going at this point.
  11. ^yep...called it. His PC is having issues.. couldn't load the entire post. That's what happens when you spend all your money on an overpriced GPU and skimp on everything else
  12. Nope... but thanks for admitting you have shitty internet which is causing your issues
  13. I'll probably be waiting longer than that for you to come up with something funny (jehurey's been having PC issues, so he might not see this entire post btw)
  14. -captured and uploaded by Jehurey Fix yo shit idiot
  15. Damn, now he's back to posting about his lag.... he's come full circle... again
  16. Didn't care about it? Yep. Still don't TSHBO
  17. I guess Jehurey's PC isn't loading posts either now And look at him switch the subject to knowledge. Yes, you ARE more knowledgeable about those issues than I am.... I never would have argued that (and I suspect his PC is going to have some issues loading this post too)
  18. You're not using my PC.. you're using your own.. which means yours is the one suttering, lagging, freezing and not loading. OMG what a fucking idiot
  19. Maybe it will be clearer if you cleaned your dusty scratched up ghetto monitor with that huge ulgy ass bezel
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