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Everything posted by Remij

  1. *and again* LOL You mean that PSV game that was ported to PS4? That one? LOL no thanks Don't worry... I don't have to request anything.. Sony's got an entire SLATE of their good ones coming.
  2. It's pretty bad when you're hinging your argument on the fact that someone misread the words you typed. Being wrong like that must be immensely satisfying for you.
  3. *and again* LOL He's proud of me controlling him like this too! LMFAO
  4. These are the types of posts you get when someone is this immensely satisfied with being wrong.
  5. was going to say this LMFAO
  6. *and again* LOL No, this thread is about Uncharted 4. There'll be plenty of time for other threads Now get back to work
  7. Nope, wrong again. *that's your cue to be IMMENSELY SATISFIED*
  8. *and again* LOL and I can have him working for hours. I might have to start calling him Slavehurey at this point
  9. ^here's him taking some more satisfaction in being wrong
  10. *and again* ROFL he's still posting, because I'm making him post
  11. You read it here... Jehurey takes immense satisfaction in being wrong
  12. It was also never meant to arrive on PC... as you claimed....but it did
  13. I remember when Ratchet and Clank, Horizon: FW, God of War 2, and Gran Turismo 7 were all going to launch this year.
  14. *and again* This is where he'll soon start to claim that I'm the one who's derailed the thread and not talking about the subject anymore. Ironically when he does that... which he inevitably will... he'll be confirming that he derailed the thread to begin with
  15. *and he's going to post again* LOL
  16. *And now he's going to post again ROFL*
  17. I have control of you... and I can help it. Because I decide whether to post or not... knowing that you can't help yourself.. and will post a response to me. Watch: *Waits for the next post I'm making you type*
  18. People called for you to be banned. You said we're both guilty. I'm ok with being banned if you are. That's what I said. And so your answer is yes? You said I can dictate that... so that means that if I post... you MUST post a response. So you're admitting that I'm actually the one that has control over you. Interesting
  19. You said we're both guilty... and people are calling for you to be banned in this very thread... that AREN'T ME. I thought I already told you that... And no, I'm not going to ignore you. The forum can deal with your Jerry-go-rounds in all my threads and after all my posts. Now... again, are you going to keep going on all night about me?
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