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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It was also never meant to arrive on PC... as you claimed....but it did
  2. I remember when Ratchet and Clank, Horizon: FW, God of War 2, and Gran Turismo 7 were all going to launch this year.
  3. *and again* This is where he'll soon start to claim that I'm the one who's derailed the thread and not talking about the subject anymore. Ironically when he does that... which he inevitably will... he'll be confirming that he derailed the thread to begin with
  4. *and he's going to post again* LOL
  5. *And now he's going to post again ROFL*
  6. I have control of you... and I can help it. Because I decide whether to post or not... knowing that you can't help yourself.. and will post a response to me. Watch: *Waits for the next post I'm making you type*
  7. People called for you to be banned. You said we're both guilty. I'm ok with being banned if you are. That's what I said. And so your answer is yes? You said I can dictate that... so that means that if I post... you MUST post a response. So you're admitting that I'm actually the one that has control over you. Interesting
  8. You said we're both guilty... and people are calling for you to be banned in this very thread... that AREN'T ME. I thought I already told you that... And no, I'm not going to ignore you. The forum can deal with your Jerry-go-rounds in all my threads and after all my posts. Now... again, are you going to keep going on all night about me?
  9. No... you were the one that said we're both guilty... LOL If we are... then we should be banned. That's me being fair and partial for the betterment of this forum. Soooo butthurt eh... that I'm ok with being banned
  10. The butthurt people are the ones who bit the bait and started talking about me like you
  11. Nah. The forum can reap what it sows
  12. I didn't complain. Sweetie... it was OTHER people who asked you to be banned in this thread... I'm simply saying that if it takes me being banned for them to ban you... since you admitted that we're equally to blame... then I'm fine with it happening.
  13. Nope. You've came into this thread with the intention to jerry-go-round it and just talk about me. There's a reason why people in this very thread have called on them to ban YOU specifically. Do you understand that? You. Specifically. But hey, @-GD-X, since Jehurey is admitting we're both responsible for him derailing and fucking up threads... I'm totally good with you banning both of us permanently from this site period. So that the others don't have to deal with it.
  14. So uh, are you done talking about me? Or is this going to go on all night?
  15. So yes, you are fucking stupid and UC4 is still coming to PC.... and an ENTIRE SLATE of others
  16. This is a hilarious thread, how can I be angry? UC4 is coming to PC and I made a thread about it and you turned it into being about me and what games I've played.. lmfao The ENTIRE FORUM knew that was going to happen though....
  17. I already proved to you that I have in this thread... are you fucking stupid?
  18. The ones who turned into defensive bitches... you.. Dike, and Dumblita And I've been laughing at you this entire time for thinking I haven't played this game. Like I said... myself and others were discussing the game on Sidescrollers.net and you chimed in that you borrowed a friends PS4 to play it... because you still hadn't bought a PS4 We all remember that.... and you certainly weren't laughing about that... you were quite mad. You said the people who bought PS4's before the Pro launched were suckers and they you know the PRO was going to be a thing.... lmfao.
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