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Everything posted by Remij

  1. He really did miss the entire fucking point jfc And now he's going to Jerry-go-round the thread and argue with you claiming that you're wrong and you're saying something that you didn't say..... ...........annnnnnd repeat and repeat. That's a pretty hilarious video... lmfao that dumb cunt coming in 6th
  2. People trying to find their way through a Jerry-go-round'd thread
  3. He said it "full circle" that's ONE round ladies and gentleman... he'll keep it spinning all week
  4. Yea, later when I saw his response the next day, idiot. At least I know I kept you guys waiting
  5. Virtua Fighter smacked the shit out of Toshinden lol... especially considering VF was 60fps too. Of course Soul Caliber on Dreamcast blew everything else away. VF3 looked really good though, especially in the arcade The big problem for all of them was Dead or Alive 2... and then DOA3 on Xbox. THAT was some wow type shit.
  6. Been watching this a few more times, and I'm liking it more and more the more I do. There's a lot of stuff here that's clearly next level compared to the original game, and Guerrilla have definitely upped their game. I did noticed quite a bit of pop-in that I didn't the first couple times.. but of course now at this point I'm really focusing on looking for certain things. It's not that things really "pop in"... but rather fade and blend in. Actually happens extremely close to the camera, but they do a very good job of masking it. I'm liking the destruction elements and hope the
  7. Sheep herding dogs.. trained to freeze completely still upon command to control sheep movement https://i.imgur.com/ERYG5oP.mp4 There's so much badass shit dogs do... Jobs finding drugs and people, to attack and defend, to enforce law, to guide the blind, to help calm anxious people, to perform entertainment, military exercises...sledding in harsh winter environments.... as well as to cuddle and kiss! Fucking dogs ❤️ Mans best friend. Most loyal animal.
  8. lmfao thinking I was going to leave...and right before E3
  9. https://www.anandtech.com/show/16703/marvell-announces-first-pcie-50-nvme-ssd-controllers Updated architecture with more fixed function units to reduce CPU utilization and provide consistent low latency throughput. 9w for just the controller alone is a lot, as stated in the comments of the article. These are server class SSDs though, so it will be roughly a year or so before they come to consumer products.. and will likely see improvements and reductions in power envelope. There's really also no need currently f
  10. I meant for the day... there's E3 in 2 weeks
  11. lmao this forum is such trash. I'm out
  12. And yet it's always YOU And yea... of course you've been saying that for 10 years... and look at this forum now
  13. He made the rule because you fuck up and derail every thread you're in. It's funny how... other members here can disagree, and systemwar... and the thread doesn't devolve into that person repeating the same shit over and over and over again where the topic is long forgotten about. That's on YOU dude. That's the style of "system wars" that you bring... and nobody likes it. There's a reason why we call it the Jerry-go-round... You say something... and then someone disagrees and you.... go round and round and round.. for the rest of the night/day.
  14. Actually they are getting higher profile. It's hilarious.. first it was...lmao the PSNow version IS the PC version... then it was... oh it's HZD because of Death Stranding and Decima... then it was Days Gone... oh it's a single game and was poorly received and because it was UE4.. easy to port. Now it's just Naughty Dog's engine... and their biggest franchise... lmfao
  15. ^and now he's attempting to actually talk about the subject... like clockwork. -Derails thread -gets told to stick to the topic -derails further arguing in circles -posts on topic post to claim that he's been trying to talk about the subject but is being derailed by the person calling him out It's the same shit every time. Every. Fucking. Time. And the mods don't do shit...
  16. That's right... and you're learning not everyone holds the same views as you Which has nothing to do with the fact that the topic of this thread is about PS Plus.. and not Xbox GWG. You came into a thread meant for positive discussion... to specifically derail, troll, and talk negatively about Xbox. @-GD-X's rule was pretty clear about this.....but apparently he's not going to put much effort into enforcing it.
  17. Imagine that... admitting it's bait... and doing so while expecting the mods not to do anything about it because "they likely share the same perspective as you" That's what this entire forum is at this point... a ton of cows who see no problem with other cows derailing thread when it's about talking shit about Xbox. LMFAO you literally couldn't come into this thread and say anything of substance about the PS Plus games... instead all you wanted to do was talk shit about the Xbox ones....
  18. Notice how the posters before you in this thread didn't mention Xbox at all... but you did... because you're butthurt and wanted to bait lemmings. That's what you do... IN EVERY THREAD. If mods can't see why that's a problem here... then this place is fucking hopeless. It'd be great if they enforced that rule equally... You know kind a like how you accuse cooke and others of always derailing threads about political talk... or X Y and X.
  19. lmfao... bait posts are WHAT DERAIL THREADS But ok ok... I'm going to remember that for the future.
  20. @-GD-X I mean... look how clear it is..
  21. This discussion isn't about the service... it's about 3 fucking games... lmfao how stupid are you?
  22. No.. Logically.... if I go into a thread about games with gold... and only talk about PS Plus.... and always bringing up playstation... I'm derailing that thread This thread wasn't created with the intention of comparing it to Xbox's free games this month... it was about discussing PS Plus' free games... the games themselves... not the service as compared to anything else... The derail... comes from your obvious baiting attempt and only wanting to talk about the topic through the context of Xbox..... You have no interest in this thread topic... aside from
  23. You didn't come into this thread to talk about PS Plus games... you came in to talk about Xbox GWG games... and troll lemmings. Take your shit to it's own thread. This is the last time you're being told.
  24. @-GD-X He derailed this thread with an obvious attempt to troll lemmings and make this thread about Xbox. Thread was perfectly fine until he joined in. Very clear and obvious attempt to change the topic and discussion of this thread. In other words... he's already successfully fucked it up... as he does.
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