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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Since UE5 supports a hybrid software (nanite) and hardware (traditional) rasterizer(s) you can have the best of both worlds. Nanite currently isn't suitable for dynamic and skin-able models, or objects like foliage. They're working on it, but in the mean-time you can use the software rasterizer for all the static geometry, and then use the hardware rasterizer for all the dynamic elements. You can easily add tons of foliage just before... but the combination now is going to lead to some truly breathtaking looking games in the future. This scene can
  2. People are also forgetting that half of Sony's trailers that they unveiled at the PS launch event had mentions of PC versions, and being "console exclusives"
  3. DQ12 is supposed to be "Darker" and apparently will change the battle system up a bit. lol... I trust Horii though not to fuck it all up like Square with FF. DQ3R looks pretty fucking awesome. IMO DQ3 is the best in the series alongside 4, with 5 right behind.. so this is fucking awesome! No platforms announced for either game, and no release dates.
  4. lmfao dude... OF COURSE he's not going to come right out and say it... cmon now... You know for a god damn fact that the goal here is to expand Playstation beyond a single device and expand into new markets where consoles don't really penetrate... and as time goes on.. and cows/sheeps anus' stretch.. it's going to become easier for them to release their products everywhere on everything.. inching closer to being simultaneously as time goes on. You guys are trying so hard to say that's wrong because of some arbitrary time table you feel is necessary so that you're not o
  5. https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/IR/library/presen/irday/pdf/2021/GNS_E.pdf Not a SINGLE MENTION of "Legacy" And I never said their games would be day and date any time soon... LMFAO.. that's completely YOU GUYS trying to move goalposts to take the sting out of the fact that you're losing your exclusive games and franchises... and that Sony is 3rd party now
  6. Go ahead and post the slide where they say that..... Those are Zhuge's words on how he thinks it should be interpreted...................................
  7. The game has 2 color spaces... sRGB and REC709.. you can choose which one you want to use and adjust brightness/HDR settings from there. lmfao, ghost.. I know you're trying... but this ain't it breh
  8. The funny thing though is seeing these PC announcements... and then reading posts from sony fanboys demanding Sony release patches for all their PS4 games on PS5
  9. Sure ok. Just like it was hopes and dreams that the first one would ever happen in the first place But yea, let's not argue. UC4 is coming to PC.
  10. I dunno... why get mad when I say more are coming? And by more I mean PS5 games too... And eventually day and date. Why does that bother Sheep so much? When I say a PS5 game will release day and date on PC/PS5 by the end of the gen? I dunno... crazy people them sheeps are.
  11. Huh? You're the one who came in here "bubub nothign day 1 blah blah" when NOBODY said anything about that... except.. that more are coming. And like I said... there will be Day 1 PS5/PC game releases by the end of the gen.
  12. Sony is 3rd party. Just like MS. You trying to put qualifiers on it doesn't change anything You laughed about HZD.... I remember clearly. I WARNED your ass that more was coming... but hey.. ok Jer... nothing day and date any time soon... sleep easy dude
  13. You're acting pretty fucking stupid right now But whatever makes you feel better. I'm sure this is the last one!
  14. Yes! The new UI is SOOOOO much better and more modern than UE4 lmfao...
  15. They already did. Xbox got a day 1 PS studios game already
  16. I don't give a shit if they launch day and date... but that WILL be coming... you can bet your ass on that. Half of what you just said was verbatim Lemming talk as the first ports started coming. Of course the strategy right now is port older games... lmfao. They're not going to just start releasing everything day and date... because then nobody would give a shit about the older titles... They're doing it smartly.. and slowly.. but surely. A whole slate are coming... I remember when I told Jehurey that back when he was trying to laugh that the P
  17. Oh not this shit again.... Think of it this way. Horizon is on PC, and Uncharted is on PC. Now PC gamers will expect those sequels... and they will come. OBVIOUSLY they are going to start by porting older titles... they can see huge ROI there.. and it gives the developers a chance to get the engines and everything updated and ported over to PC for future games. I remember Lemmings being the same way when the first Xbox titles were getting ports... lmao. It's not going to happen all at once... but the dominos are already starting to fall.
  18. Here's the video. It's only 1080p because youtube takes forever to process higher resolutions these days... but you get the idea. Keep in mind.. this is running in the editor.. this isn't compiled and packaged.
  19. You have to download UE5 from the Epic Game client which is about 40GB, then download the sample project which is about 100GB... then you can either run it in the editor, or compile it.. which makes it about 28GB lol.. I'll be honest with you. There's not much to this demo at all. It's honestly probably not worth your time.
  20. There's not much in the way of physics in this demo. There's not really anything to do besides shoot a couple of pillars and watch them crumble, and then fight the boss lol. It's very limited... but it shows off Nanite/Lumen pretty well. I made a quick video playing the demo in the editor, but it's just processing the HD version right now. That said.... this IS the actual engine... so people will be doing all sorts of crazy shit with this now. People are already importing their projects into this and messing with it... so just wait a few days... it'
  21. They're all coming. And rightfully so. More money for more PS studios games in the future. This is win/win for everyone. Nice to see Horizon ZD had a 250% ROI as of March. These PC ports aren't costing them much to make at all, and they're going to see big returns from it. Makes sense to keep their studios working while certain games are in pre-production and things like that.
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