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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yeah, developers will still have to develop assets being cognizant of how much detail is actually necessary. There's TOOOOONS of waste in this demo. It's literally just being excessive for the sake of showing that the engine can handle it.
  2. The sample project is 100GB... after being compiled, it's 28GB. Still though... to create an entire game with these assets... and you'd need multiple terabytes. Of course developers will still have to use caution when designing their game assets... they can't just throw whatever there because there's simply not enough space in storage haha.
  3. Someone compared an NVMe vs an HDD with the portal switch lol Already only ~4sec on an NVMe and that's without DirectStorage.
  4. Oh, and it looks like the 3080ti is finally coming Hopefully I get one this time lmfao
  5. Compiled, running off a HARD DRIVE Another poster said it's running at native 4K on a 3080 at 40fps on their PC. I'm downloading it now
  6. Everyone is freaking out over the PC system requirements but are completely forgetting that those requirements are to run it in the editor and compile it... lmfao.
  7. I hope so man. That's what I'm hoping for. I thought MS was going to have an E3 thing for their XGS... and then later in the fall Bethesda was going to have another thing... but it's looking like they are having them both together now... so that's potentially another hint that on each their own they don't have tons to show currently. At least with tempered expectations I can allow myself to be pleasantly surprised. For now... the only games that I feel confident expecting to see are Halo and Forza Horizon. Anything else is up in the air.
  8. Yes, I do think he does have a good idea about what to expect. All the signs are there to not expect something earth shattering.. Fable is FAR off Hellblade 2 is switching to UE5 Next Gen Forza is still a ways off The Coalition already announced not to expect anything for a long time I don't know about the Bethesda side. I'm sure we'll see Starfield... which is great. Maybe a couple other things... hopefully there's a couple big surprises in there somewhere... They really need SOMETHING to land well with the public and press.
  9. True... but the issue is that they need to blow people away... and the longer you wait.. the more they must blow me away to make up for it. Imagine waiting another 2 years for Fable.... and then they finally show it... and it just completely underwhelms... That makes it even worse. For the record Playground Games are essentially MS' best developer and I think they'll make a fantastic game... but just as an example.
  10. True true. But those little games add up quickly when you're buying 10+ of them during a sale haha
  11. I'm excited for Halo. And yea, Halo 4 is good.. I was playing it recently... definitely got way too much hate. Forza Horizon will be awesome I'm sure too. But those are... the same names MS has always relied on to carry them through another year.... With this gen... this SHOULD have been MS' time to not rely on those games.. and have other substantial shit to show. Sony will have Horizon... then whenever MS has anything substantial to show.. Sony is going to have God of War and Gran Turismo and whatever else they may have cooking..
  12. I'm going to overlook this cheap shot at me... and simply say... Forza has had a long time to cook... they should be ready to show something. Hellblade should be ready to show something. Look... it's not even about showing the final product... JUST SHOW SOMETHING... a small snippet of combat... ANYTHING. Just polish it up and have it running in real time on the console. I completely get that many of their games are moving to UE5 and there's going to be tons more shit to do... but you can't go another year without showing anything...
  13. I know what you mean. I can't really say anything though... as the majority of my Steam account is full of games I've never touched Them sales be contagious af. Still though... I've never ever really regretted buying them.. I like having them there in case I ever decide to play them some day lol
  14. ALL my game purchases are digital these days lmfao The only games I'll buy physical anymore are Blizzard PC Collectors editions of games lol. I never usually regret buying a game... but sometimes I'll regret buying a game from a specific store instead of another one which is cheaper lol.
  15. You guys REALLY returning that many purchases It really IS your fault if you haven't learned yet what kind of games you'll like or not lmfao
  16. Xbox are really going to show fuck all again lmfao.. Jeff Grubb is even pretty much saying to temper expectations.. For me personally... Forza Horizon and Halo will be enough to make it a good show for me.... but god damn... how are we not seeing something of Hellblade, Perfect Dark, Fable, and some other shit at this point. Phil really does fucking suck at managing
  17. If they were substantially greater.. he would have put a number to it... He also said that PS5 volume was similar to PS4.... so it's more like 25% PS5, 25% PS4, 25% PC, and Xbox the rest...
  18. Now you're off topic.....and trying to gloat to Goukosan like WTF
  19. Uh, excuse me... if you didn't understand... that's me telling him I'm not going to argue with him about it in circles...
  20. If it was substantially greater than 50%.. they would have put an actual number to it. 50% PS, 25% PC, 25% Xbox... That's GENERALLY the split. Same as what I predicted RE7's split was.
  21. No, I read it the first time. Let me know when you come up with a response that isn't "bubu read my non answer again"
  22. lol wut... All I'm saying is that RE8 is selling in line with what RE7 did on Xbox.. vs PS. You're the one who's trying really hard to make something else out of it.
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