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Everything posted by Remij

  1. And yet... it's still selling in line on Xbox compared to PS as RE7 did.. despite HUGE growth of Game Pass since then..
  2. It doesn't matter at all. What matters are the total PS numbers VS the total Xbox numbers. It's around the same as it was with RE7.
  3. It doesn't matter what the sales break down is between last and current gen... Xbox sales are about in line for RE8 with what they were with RE7 compared to Playstation. Game Pass hasn't really done shit to change that. The RE fanbase has always been with Playstation.
  4. Did you forget the fact that RE8 released on last gen consoles too
  5. Nope... not when the split between versions is essentially the same as RE7... which came out just shortly after Game Pass released and had very little subscribers.
  6. "Nobody is subbing to Game Pass" also the same people "Game Pass has nobody wanting to pay for games anymore"
  7. That was a cool little trailer. If only the game would look anything close to that!
  8. Remij


    30M by the end of the year... book it
  9. So ~4M sold to date PS consoles = ~2.2M PC = ~1.1M Xbox consoles = ~0.7M Just a guess going off 1M+ owners on SteamSpy. And going by my RE7 predictions for sales figures in my "RE8 PC sales" thread Looks like I'm pretty close and things are generally ~50% PS, ~25% PC, and ~25% Xbox. Sales split seem to be in line with RE7.
  10. Remij


    Alright ok, fair enough. I guess it just shows up in some pictures more than anything else. lmfao yea the PS5
  11. Remij


    The PS5 looks pretty decent with those 3rd party black panels.. I'd love to see a white shell Series X. I think it would look better than the black on it. The Series X looks like it gets fingerprints on it way too easily. The white would go a long way in hiding that.
  12. Remij


    I'll give that a Kaz Pass
  13. Remij


    Fucking demolished in the first post
  14. No... sorry sweetie.. you don't get to dodge a simple question from multiple people over 4+ pages and then pretend you answered with an obvious "yes" You did ignore it... you dodged the question multiple times. You continually stated what Valve could do... and what you could do... but not what you would do. And instead what you just did here... with this one simple post... was show everyone on this forum how much of a doofus and complete fuckhead you are. A pure 100% complete picture of your intent to derail and jerry-go-round every thread. Mods
  15. I guess I'll have to compare them myself when TLOU2 comes to PC
  16. I dunno, it's been a while since I've played TLOU2. Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel like the indoor environments in TLOU2 lack the detail that Days Gone has. I did only play the game on PS4 OG though.. But it was the recent DF video on TLOU2's PS5 update, which made me realize it. Not to mention Days Gone has a fully dynamic day and night cycle, and TLOU2 is completely static. But the cutscenes... on another level completely. THAT I can safely say lol.
  17. Yea. SquareEnix really has to impress me these days. I got burnt pretty hard on FF7R when I should have listened to you and Sabo. Sabo tried to warn me, but my fanboyism and nostalgia for that game in particular got the better of me.
  18. Yea, I totally get it. It's fun at times.. but there's a lot of lame aspects to the game as well. The missions are fucking boring most of the time.. and they constantly have you going from one end of the map to the other lmfao... It's pretty insane on PC though. It's kinda funny.. the PC version has some improvements over the PS version but mostly just due to the Global Illumination they added in, which can make a pretty big difference at times, but not much at other times. Also, some of the textures are higher res for sure... but it's pretty crazy how good th
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