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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Well, the Nioh team is solid. I don't know if that's the same team or not.. but there's a small chance it could be cool. I'm not holding my breath though.
  2. So tired of Nomura's "style" They're going to be working away on FF7R for years and years too
  3. I said MM didn't sell as well as Spider-man... and... it didn't. PS5 owners so desperate for games to play on their new system.. they're hyping cross gen DLC
  4. Zelda 2 is a phenomenal game Again.. when Zelda dares to be different it excels
  5. In the truest sense of the word it's definitely open world.
  6. Returnal... lmfao PS5 gamers ain't playing that shit. It dropped off the face of the earth sales wise and even 14 year old games like ME are selling better You didn't even get the Final Fantasy game name right.. LMFAO. You're going to buy the same game over again... just for a DLC You have Ratchet and Clank... and that's it.
  7. Apparently SquareEnix's entire event was leaked and is being shared behind the scenes. This is one of the games that's resulted from that leak. There'll probably be more leaks in the coming days about SquareEnix games.
  8. For real. When you made progression in those games, you felt damn good about it! BOTW is a good step back in the direction of the original, and even ALttP. They just need to reign in the scale a bit and make the overworld more interesting... and of course have huge classic style dungeons. BOTW 2, I imagine will be more of the same as BOTW, but I would love to be wrong on that and get hit with a Majora's Mask type game that dares to be a bit different. Zelda is at it's best when it does that. BOTW2 will be amazing regardless
  9. Well, yeah... Square's handling of FF7R just goes to show that they'll never EVER again be what they once were. And I agree, Nomura's style has got to go. I don't want prissy teenage boys with a "fashion" style in clothing anymore in my FF games.. Give us some actual interesting designs and some gruff fucking characters. Can you imagine how badly they'd butcher a FF6 remake? It's why I don't want them to touch any more shit from the past. They just don't have what it takes to do any of it justice anymore. At least not until the "old guard" there gets replaced with
  10. How old are you Gouko? I remember playing Zelda in 1988, when I was 5 And whoever is saying no... FUCK THAT.. Zelda 1 is as true of an open world game as there can be. Literally throwing you in and not hand-holding/guiding you in any way.
  11. Me too. Back in the day I was ALWAYS a bigger FF fanboy than a DQ fan. Despite having played most of the DQ games around when they were launched, I always felt FF was better. But as time passes... I'm realizing that the DQ games have pretty much always been superior games. And yes! Give me back turn based combat. There's tons of cool mechanics and things that can be done with a turn based combat system.
  12. I actually said that before numbnuts... you just ignored it like you did everyone else asking you to stop dodging the fucking question.
  13. I better not see you playing Switch games ever again, you fucking clown
  14. Yuji Horii essentially confirming that DQ12 will be revealed Let's fucking GOOO!
  15. What a fucking moron... can't answer a simple yes or no question.. and he STILL doesn't get why everyone else is laughing at him *insert another dodgy post with some red text* Dodghurey
  16. Just ban that fucking clown You guys have given him a free pass to be a dipshit this entire time. He's like a dog.. the only way to train him is by repetition... keep banning him for a couple days every time he does stupid shit like this and he'll get the point.
  17. He's still fucking dodging Thinks his red text is gonna save him What a fucking moron "it its not everyone laughing at me... just you and cooke " No... it's everyone...
  18. "No it wont be fully supported on PC" Game comes out which fully supports it "I'm not wrong" Idiot
  19. Thanks for responding Kaz!
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