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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I already know of at least 3 that are coming
  2. Minecraft is completely different. That game was a phenomenon, and MS obviously understood that, and understood the importance in keeping it open to everything. Some things are just like that. ES6 and DOOM, despite being popular, aren't even close to that. You don't get people coming to Xbox platforms, and coming to Game Pass... if you offer these games elsewhere. And yes... it is insane.. for most companies.. but not a company like MS that can essentially eat the costs like they were nothing. Every thing they do now is with the intent of pushing Game Pass. They wi
  3. On the GamesBeat Decides podcast, in response to a fan asking when the next Battlefield game will be shown, Grubb instantly responded with one word: "May." When pressed by his cohosts, Grubb "added some color" in his own words to his initial claim, stating that it's "probably May." "Things are still fluid," the reporter said. "They haven't announced anything publicly yet, but my understanding is they're probably looking at May." Sounds like he wasn't completely wrong at all and never said it would definitively be shown this month. Got anything else
  4. MS is willing to take any losses to grow Game Pass. It's that simple. Phil even said it. The entire reason they are doing this is Game Pass. You don't spend 7.5B on an acquisition to grow a service, and then offer the game on other more popular platforms which don't have that service... lmfao Elder Scrolls 6 is not coming to Playstation. Book it.
  5. This thread is about the PC version fuck face. We know it's sold over a million already on PC. bubu Xbox your life away loser
  6. Jesus fucking christ you're stupid That 80% figure... is from the UK retail market... And I'm talking about RE7 with regards to the split... LMFAO.. can you follow ANYTHING
  7. According to SteamSpy. Playtracker has it at ~2.2M. You know it's only sold 8.5M total across all platforms right as of Dec 2020, right? So let's say ~9M now. 5M on PS, 2M on PC and 2M on Xbox sounds about right. But yea, RE8 got there in 1 week
  8. According to Steamspy anyway. Capcom must be really happy with the results so far. Concurrent All-time Peak RE7 - 20,449 (1M - 2M sales after 4 years) RE8 - 106,631 (1M- 2M sales after 1 week) Wow.. that's pretty insane. Also the SteamDB page was updated and it appears they are testing a patch atm. Let's hope it fixes some of the issues. Capcom is killing it. They're also have another Monster Hunter game coming in July.... MH:R is still killing it on Switch... and that will be coming to PC next year presumably.
  9. Yea..bu but those PS gamers will just buy the games on PC... since they all have PCs too
  10. lmfao nope. ES6 and Doom will be exclusive. They want GAMEPASS homie... Phil already spelled this out but idiots don't seem to get it
  11. Not a surprise to anyone with a brain. I think the only games you can expect to get on PS5 are the ones that were already announced specifically for it. Elder Scrolls 6 and Doom and the others will be the same thing.
  12. One of the only rappers I like these days
  13. It'll come to Switch. The game can look visually awesome on next gen/last gen consoles, and be cut down for Switch... since it's unlikely that DQ12 is going to be doing anything crazy to change the formula. You never know though. The only thing you can be certain of right now is that it will definitely hit PS4/PS5. Switch is extremely likely, and PC after that. I'm kinda just thinking that now since UE4 is established on Switch, they could possibly release the game on all platforms together. That, alongside an worldwide release would be AMAZING.
  14. Sony better try to sell all the PS5's they can over there before Nintendo releases the Switch Pro...
  15. Fuck yes! Will be interpreted in English too for the first time ever! We should get information, and possibly see Dragon Quest 12.. as well as some new side/spinoff games. Also a decent chance that there could be ports of past games coming to current systems too.. which is what I'm personally hoping for. I would love to see the 3DS versions of the classic games make it to console/PC. I don't want to get my hopes up, but since it's going to be interpreted in English it would be nice if DQ12 or whatever upcoming games they have lined up could be released simultaneous
  16. It's a great controller. I love the d-pad so much.. but I definitely wish they would have added gyro and haptics. Sony changed controller design part way through the PS1 generation... MS could do the same... soo.... cmon MS do it already lol
  17. Definitely. I really like the ME games, and the improvements to ME1 here make this the definitive version IMO. But we'll have to wait and see.
  18. Weird though that PS5 versions of games seem to be outselling their PS4 counterparts though... iirc. Like RE8 is selling most on PS5 atm. Mind you that was in the UK.. so maybe it's different overall. I think what you have is next gen console owners just wanting new games for their systems. Games which tap into the power a bit.. so I think that's playing a big part. Others are likely in "wait till I get a next gen console" mode.. and aren't really buying much anymore for the last gen systems.
  19. Yea, I should have fucking known.. it's been rough lately
  20. Yep, it's only when they do the grabs. I think a bug could be causing all those little flies to overdraw and stall the render thread. Basically something like it rendering all those particles but they don't "evict" properly and instead compound and overflow the GPU.
  21. I'm sure that's true. I mean the game runs at well over 100fps on my PC... and that's at a much higher resolution than the console versions, which run in interlaced mode lol Like I said... they're bugs that probably got overlooked. The stutter that can happen when you shoot or kill an enemy sometime seems to happen as if when it tracks certain kinds of shots or enemies killed. At all other times the game runs perfectly.. so it's got to be some bad code that's causing it. Hopefully it gets patched up though. All the other RE Engine games run PRISTINE on PC
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