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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Excited to play these! Those Famicom Detective Club games look pretty quality too. If anyone here plays them let me know how they are.
  2. ^It's not butter smooth on your PS5 lmfao.. the FPS tank in areas to the mid 40s... and the fucking consoles run in INTERLACED mode Anyway.. yea I can confirm I've had some stutters while killing enemies... and the FPS do tank when the daughters come in and attack you. Those are definitely just bugs though and should be fixed soon enough. Most of the game was what you'd ACTUALLY call butter smooth.. 100+fps Probably had to divert resources from QA'ing the PC version to fix the PS5 version and downgrade the game enough
  3. Pretty much what I've been saying all along. You can make a next gen game, and downscale it to last gen.... all it takes is budget and time. If a developer is willing to invest in both, then you can have both.
  4. That's how I felt. When parts dragged on a bit they freshened up the combat a bit with different enemy types.
  5. Yea, it's pretty sad in all honesty. But they're lucky in that the consoles are selling out regardless, so it's actually better for them to hold out a bit longer until some of the far out games aren't so far out anymore.
  6. We've got to see: -Bayonetta 3 -BOTW2 -Halo Infinite -Starfield -Hellblade 2 gameplay -Forza Horizon 5 -Elden Ring gameplay -More PC Playstation ports -Forespoken Possibilities: -Horizon 2 (within E3 month I'm sure Sony shows this) -GT7 -Perfect Dark -Persona 5 Royal (PC, Xbox, and Switch) Pure hopes and dreams: -New Kojima joint -New GENdesign game (Team ICO) -New Mario game I dunno... this year is just fucked because anything and everything could be pushed back because o
  7. Sick that it has foveated rendering with eye/gaze tracking. That right there makes it next gen compared to anything out currently. Goooood shit.
  8. Nothing is more embarrassing than Sony not having control of it's own franchise and being made to develop it for other systems. Cuckoldny
  9. I disagree. I think that this game stumbles a bit in the beginning portion... but not nearly as bad as RE7 stumbles towards its end. After the start though, it gets going and doesn't stop. The ending portion is by far the best "ending portion" of a RE game that I can remember in quite a while actually. Lots of story implications, and I really love what they did there. The game took a bit to get it's hold on me... but after it did.. I was totally on board. I'm not really spoiling anything here, but here's just a couple of my issues
  10. This game is fucking GOOD I still have my issues with it... but in general.. I'll say it right now.. it's better than RE7.
  11. Yea, that's definitely one gripe of mine.
  12. I definitely have a few nitpicks... but overall... it's really fucking good. Gets much better after the castle too! That FOV slider and vignette remover makes the game so much fucking better too Capcom REALLY needs to add the option to turn the vignette on or off at the very least.
  13. I'm saying your theory is wrong. And it doesn't matter if it goes through or not... they're coming to PC regardless.. Jimbo Ryan already confirmed an entire slate of them Sony debating on taking their 200M for EGS exclusivity vs just releasing them on both Steam and EGS has no bearing on me
  14. He should have did the "got your nose" thing instead and put his thumb between his fingers Definitely staged as hell though lmfao
  15. That's not RT performance and this game doesn't use the RT cores.. it completely runs on the shader cores.. fucking moron
  16. How do you just lose all 3 at once though? What's Jeff wanting to do with the site that made all 3 just say, no.. we're not doing it... bye?
  17. That is what he said though. He said, "why make a game inside of a game.. when you could just learn to make a game using professional tools" and thus continue on professionally... And the reality is... that there's tons of people (MOST) who want to make things but don't want to spend time learning programming. These meta games are far more intuitive to learn, and are often a gateway into doing just that. They WILL eventually get to the point where learning "Roblox" could be an important skill.. for example... and you could live entirely off making Roblox content.
  18. You don't get how games that allow you to build things like Roblox and Minecraft are popular and can make you money? Everyone wants to be the next Roblox or Minecraft.
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