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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I can imagine it's probably a part where you play a Chris or something with guns blazing ffs Not entirely unexpected though I'm sure it's good though. I'm excited to dig into it. Still working on Nier and always playing The Binding of Isaac too
  2. Who the fuck... besides a lazy retard.. would want to go back to be an independent game reviewer? Look sweetie... Gerstmann obviously isn't bringing in the money... which is why his cronies are leaving.. and the site is an ultimate failure. LOL And yea, a lazy fuck WOULD be worried about not being able to go back to being a lazy fuck after attempting a real job... thanks again for adding to my point
  3. Having some dips from 60fps with Ray Tracing on isn't much of a surprise. That would clearly be a bottleneck of the hardware with regards to ray tracing.
  4. No. That absolutely IS a point. Jeff is lazy. If Jeff can do what you said he could do... but instead he sits around with 3 other dudes and talks about how much he hates games... ... then yea sweetie... he's a lazy fuck. I can't believe you had to be told that. Let's see if it sinks in, or whether you're going to ruin this thread too
  5. Yea, it's really disappointing to hear RE8 has less of a focus on puzzles.. But I guess if they're going to be shit anyway it's better to have less of them
  6. I like how you just extended my point. Yes.. I'm sure he could... BUT HES A LAZY FUCK...
  7. Anyway... Insomniac is PS owned now, so if they end up doing something with the IP, either new or a re-release remake or whatever of the old game, or both... then good for them. I think the IP has potential for sure... and like I said, I think a new game could be a lot better. Insomniac have improved quite a bit since those days.
  8. https://www.windowscentral.com/resident-evil-village-review
  9. Jeff probably doesn't know how to do anything else besides be a jaded fat fuck who talks about games. He's known this was coming for a long time now... but he never did anything about it. Other prominent journalists from game review sites actually move on to other things. Many actually end up writing in games... but he's obviously lazy as fuck now. He'll probably throw up a Patreon and try to just keep doing the same shit he's always done. Like sorry... four old dudes sitting around a table talking about how they hate their jobs and the games they play isn't how people want to
  10. Yea, no kidding.. lmfao. Dike is dumb as shit though and should probably stick to Switch
  11. https://www.resetera.com/threads/psa-returnals-latest-patch-has-been-corrupting-save-files-disable-auto-update.421103/ Housemarque even warned people it would What a 4th wall breaking innovation... you must start over again
  12. Uh, what? LMFAO... RE2 and RE3 and DMC5 run over 100fps easily
  13. Can't be worse than the console version of Cyberpunk
  14. It's a pretty good new IP imo. I bet Sony could take this franchise and make it huge. Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if they do.
  15. Like I said... they are miserable. It's very easy to see that they don't enjoy their jobs, and they haven't for a looong time now.
  16. Yea, I do. If I didn't.. you wouldn't be losing your shit because I said JerryHBFR because a website you liked is dissolving.. The fact that you're letting that get to you so badly just shows that I do Did you think this thread was going to be like a little GB circle jerk where we all discussed our favorite bombcast memories and things Jeff Gerstmann said?
  17. I do all that shit every single day LMFAO I mean shit... all I said was JerryHBFR... and you blew up Really taking this news hard huh?
  18. Yea I dunno.. could be even longer I'm interested in that REV3 or Outbreak whatever game that's supposedly coming to Switch and then everything else. Hopefully we see a glimpse of that this year at some point.
  19. Yea, it seems pretty good on both. I'm more interested when we get a real next gen only RE game though.
  20. Miserable because I'm happy Giantbomb is done for? I know... Giantbomb isn't saying anything anymore
  21. eh, I don't really care.. neither does Capcom by the looks of it
  22. No, I hate them because they're miserable people who hate what they do. You're a miserable fuck too... which is probably why you love them and have a Jeff body pillow in your bedroom And keep typing more things they've said.... as I laugh that they are dissolving
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