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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, somethings gotta be fucked with the reconstruction method.
  2. LMFAO good! Miserable bunch of old fucks The only interesting thing they did was the E3 interviews which were cool... but even those started lacking in the recent years. With the death of E3 as we know it... Giantbomb is a GiantWaste JerryHBFR too
  3. Yea, as far as I know they are. I think it just has something to do with how they upscale on the One S specifically. Maybe a bandwidth limitation or something. The other Xbox versions are fine.. it's just the XO that suffers. Maybe it's a bug or something... or the system just can't do what they're asking of it.
  4. BOTH PS4 and Xbox One render at 900p... and yet look at the image quality difference. They must be using a different upsampling technique on Xbox One apart from the other consoles... because the results it produces are far and away worse. Goes to show you how resolution wont mean much any more and rather the method of upsampling/reconstruction will be far more important to image quality.
  5. What a get! PS must have fought hard to get Discord to integrate into their platform!! It doesn't matter that it's already integrated into everything else!! It's still a HUGE get!
  6. Jesus you're fucking stupid these days And you KNOW the reason why you were claiming this was a "GET" is because you acted like Discord denied MS and then went with Playstation... lmfao... that was the basis of your entire post. They shunned MS and went with PS... ...except they really didn't... they finally brough PS up to... yes..... the standard
  7. Learn to follow along. Xbox getting something that PS and PC have had for ages isn't a "get" for MS, now is it? PS getting something Xbox and PC have had for ages isn't a "get" either... PS isn't getting anything over the competition in this instance. They're getting up to standard... PC getting Bloodborne is a GET for PC... because it's not "the standard"... And they were in talks showing the intention to buy... deals fall through. It's not my fault you're running with what was obviously a bait title.
  8. MS actually were in advanced talks to buy them... lmfao And you're acting like the deal fell through because Discord instead wanted to partner with Sony over some integration... that's what your post read like "omg they dumped MS and went with Sony... what a GET!!!"
  9. lmao.. Discord is a 3rd party app... it's already integrated into PC and Xbox for years now. Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive game published by Sony.... Of course PC getting it would be a "get" because it doesn't appear anywhere else other than Playstation. If Bloodborne came to PC AND Xbox at the same time... then it wouldn't be a "get" for the PC... And yes... you're losing your shit.. over Discord
  10. Nobody said it wasn't a positive.. but it's certainly not a "get"... meaning that Sony would have something over MS... LMAO losing your shit over Discord integration
  11. lmao Discord has been integrated into Xbox for years now... This isn't even a "get"... unless you're talking about "getting with the times"
  12. Lmfao Bu but teh exclusiv demo Game is gonna be awesome
  13. The irony of Couponhurey telling people how they should spend their money
  14. The first one is fine how it is. I understand maybe wanting 1 and 2 to be on the same fidelity visually and some of the gameplay tweaks to be retroactively brought back to the first one to help make it seem like one huge seamless thing... but the problem is that they've apparently already outlined the story for a potential TLOU3... If they do that, it would be PS5 exclusive... and then you'd just have the same problem of 1 and 2 being outdated compared to 3 and then they'd want to remake them again up to the standard of the 3rd one lmfao. It's just not justifiable now that PS5 is
  15. Jesus... and after wasting all his time in that other thread speaking to me about BACKFIRING... OMFG... he literally assumed it was just a tweet from some random Capcom employee... and not that THE PRODUCER HIMSELF TOLD IGN that information And just like in all his other threads, where he acts like he's right... he was found COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG. He just came in and started regurgitating the same thing over and over (the Jerry cycle) until the other person just gets tired... and he claims he wins This thread was just OUTRIGHT EMBARRASSING for you. O
  16. Jehurtry really mad that someone bought an Xbox and Game Pass
  17. Yes, it's a mode. The renderer switches between those modes during gameplay. Doesn't matter if it's forced or not. When it's rendering like Returnal... it's native 1440p... stupid fuck
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