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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No, I didn't get it wrong. My own example is Digital Foundry And the game is 1440p single screen... and 900p with double instances running split screen... LOL Not one single 1080p blurry ass image upscaled then checkerboarded bubu teh particulz
  2. It's not even fucking Benji you fucking retarded clown.... the leaker is Dusk Golem... and they were completely true You can't even keep track of who the actual leaker was... and here you have Capcom OFFICIALLY corroborating what Dusk said
  3. First of all... no... The game runs at 1440p in single frame mode, and 900p in split frame mode. 2 instances of a game And no, they don't use the same technique... One uses the technique, and the other uses a mix of 2 techniques... one which blurs the image, and one which makes it grainy and ugly as fuck.. And it's a AAA game regardless of the meta dude Jesus
  4. 1080p then temporally upsampled (blurred) then checkerboarded (stipled) Rectblurnal
  5. Series X renders at 1440p in full screen and 900p in split mode. 50/50 of the game in each, that equals 1170p .. LMAO TCHBR Rectumnal developed around a solitary next gen console by a far more prominent developer can only muster 1080p
  6. Damn, that's far better for a machine with less than half the tflops of a PS5
  7. What a worthless post.. lmao. Capcom officially stated the game was next gen only... take your butthurt 2k21 elsewhere
  8. XSX has The Medium Oh wait, that runs higher than 1080p Xbox Series S has The Medium... LOL there you go
  9. Completely different engine with a completely different lighting characteristic. Not to mention Assassin's Creed is a game that was designed around 5 different platforms and not just one. They aren't really comparable.
  10. I really like the design of the new character Rivet, and the colors they went with. It's very pleasing to look at and is such a nice contrast to the rest of the colors in the image.
  11. "the people that were wrong don't believe what Capcom just officially stated" ok Wrongouko
  12. Maybe if BF6 is awesome, and COD sucks and has issues, they can actually gain some ground back.
  13. There's some good dudes there. They just don't care to talk about the shit I care to talk about so I left.
  14. Yes you are.. lmfao sweetie.. you don't get to decide that.
  15. God, you're so fucking dense You're the one being played... by me... so thanks for developing butthurt dumbass Hilarious how you're too stupid to see how the analogy was never going to work for you
  16. You're right... you are developing butthurt all on your own OMFG he walked right into that one!!
  17. Yes and no. Some textures certainly aren't THAT detailed, but they balance them with some ultra high detailed textures (like most graphically impressive games do) so I think a lot of the finer detail is there, but it's just being lost due to 4 things: 1. Youtube compression 2. Motion Blur effects 3. Ray tracing/SSR denoiser 4. Anisotropic Filtering Also, I noticed that compared to the previous trailer that was just released (which is older) this version looks a bit worse in lighting, but much better with reflections. I'm not saying they've "downgraded"
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