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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sadly, for Sony output that definitely IS their best first year ever.
  2. Ratchet and Clank looks great... but damn, I noticed a surprising amount of texture pop-in during it.
  3. You're not explaining anything to me... you're attempting to damage control something YOU said and turn it around on me. and I'm not letting you. Anyway...
  4. Nope, my reading and comprehension is just fine. You know what you said in the other thread can be taken exactly the way I took it. You quoted me talking about the service specifically.. then said don't forget it has to be on PC day 1 too.... You said that specifically because that was your metric for it "equating MS' model" lmfao don't even bother wasting more of my time dude.
  5. Ugh.. you're as bad as Jehurey these days with your dumb retarded shit.
  6. Ah. Yea that sucks. You should be able to go to the menu, open another game.. and be able to switch back or do whatever.. like Xbox. That's kinda why Quick Resume on Xbox is a pretty killer feature. It compensates for games like this that force you to commit for long periods. The Binding of Isaac was the same for a while. Getting the option to exit at any time and then continue a run later was a life saver.. because sometimes you'd get a good run going and then something comes up and you gotta leave quick. An Isaac game can last about 1-2 hours depending
  7. Brand new 2020 console. Greatest console SSD storage and I/O technology. Brand new user interface. Can't save game state and quick resume
  8. Me asking if it does anything differently with basic mechanics =/= me stating that it has to break new ground to be AAA I first asked what's AAA about the gameplay... then I asked if it's doing anything that other games don't. So if the answer is no... then my question turns to... ok.. so how does it do them better? Jesus fucking christ. All this because you're literally too fucking butthurt or stupid to just answer a basic question.
  9. lmao dude, I asked you a simple question. What is AAA about Returnal's gameplay? You're saying it's better than other games. Ok, what's better about it?
  10. Read my post again... it doesn't change what I said.. and what your words meant in relation to what you quoted.
  11. Whoops missed that... but it doesn't change what I said. You said that what I just said.. regarding the service... had to be day 1 on PC too... keep walking that ass back... because if you wanted to be clear about it you'd have said. "Don't forget that you also said games would release Day 1 on PC."
  12. AAA means better than AAA with similar mechanics? That's.... interesting. So... uh, what's better about it?
  13. "day 1 on PC TOO" fucking moron.... You're saying that what I JUST said... had to apply to PC TOO.. Fucking retard
  14. HOLY fuck you're completely retarded my dude EXPLAIN HOW RETURNALS GAMEPLAY IS BETTER than other games that have the same mechanics... Are those mechanics implemented better? Are they more responsive and connect you to the character and the world better? I'm asking you to do something very simple... I mean it's the basic job of a reviewer after all And you can't
  15. I never said it had to be groundbreaking though... lmfao I asked YOU to explain... but you couldn't. If you can't explain what it does that others don't already... then at least explain how it does them better... but alas... nothing... again
  16. I said day 1 retail and sub. And day 1 digital on PC. I never said the PC would have their subscription service. Lrn 2 Reed
  17. Nope. I'm saying the same thing I always have. Learn to fucking read. And I compared 3 retail games selling 10 mill a piece.... to a sub model with ONLY 30M subs..... Sony WILL have a game sub service and will launch their games there day and date by the end of this generation. THAT is what I said... lmfao
  18. And don't think I've forgotten about the fact that what I said was that Sony will offer their games day and date on their own subscription service by the end of this gen... LMAO.. like as if that's even a controversial thing to say... Of fucking COURSE they are going to. "bubu they're not going to abandon their current model" I never said they would. They're simply adding another model to the others... and they will build it up from there... just like MS. Following them.
  19. You managed to say more in a single post than Gouko could over multiple lmfao
  20. I never said that. You said it was AAA gameplay. I asked what's AAA about it? Are you even able to explain what AAA gameplay is? Is tha dodge cool? Does it feel really nice and smooth?... is the shooting top notch? LOL.. are you able to explain ANYTHING? God you're losing your shit...all because you can't explain what AAA gameplay entails. I can tell you what AAA visual production values entail, what AAA sound production entails... I can actually do it with gameplay as well... But I'm having a hard time thinking about what's AAA
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