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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, you're right... because 90% of Sony's games aren't breaking any new ground gameplay-wise. So what's AAA about that gameplay Gouko?
  2. You're so fucking dumb. Even taking 3rd party into account it doesn't mean shit.. they'll still make more money Ok let's compare it to 3 AAA $70 releases per year that each sell 10M in 1 year 30M x 70 = 2.1B (1 year) 30M subs x $15 x 12 = 5.4B (1 year) Are you telling me that Sony's games wont be driving the service? Are you telling me that 3rd parties are going to make the majority of the sales? Sony could easily pay those 3rd parties.. KEEP IN MIND... this is AUGMENTING the retail market. Now, Sony throws their weight behind i
  3. Game scores aren't only about gameplay... What is AAA about the gameplay specifically? lmfao... What shooting, dash, and gun mechanics are there in this game that isn't in hundreds of other games? LOL can't answer basic questions
  4. How many 10M games is Sony releasing a year? 2? 3? And again... moron.. that's just to show the numbers... They would still have massive amounts of retail sales PLUS the subs from people who wouldn't likely buy or try the game otherwise. It's like you're PURPOSEFULLY fucking stupid to try to make arguments against what I'm saying
  5. God you're fucking dumb. Adding an additional business model =/= abandoning the old one Abandoning the old one would be... No longer releasing games at retail to SOLELY do the subscription model... God you're so stupid
  6. Can't answer my question? Nice
  7. LMFAO dude... you're not smart enough to even convincingly play stupid I never said abandoning anything about ANYTHING... You were the one that brought up Abandoning something.... And no... there was no talk about abandoning exclusive games on their consoles first... we were most certainly talking about Sony having a Game Pass like Sub service for their games day 1. LMFAO.. now you're strawmanning HARRRRRD Fucking clown
  8. Whoa ok ok I take it back... the gameplay is AAA!!! Your argument has convinced me!
  9. Yes, by the end of this gen Sony will have released a day 1 PC game, and they absoultely WILL have a Day 1 sub service for their games.
  10. No, I absolutely NEVER said they'd abandon anything this gen. I said that they would DO it this gen... I said they would have a sub service like MS this gen. LMAO dude... are you even able to argue something truthfully? Why the fuck would I say they would abandon retail... when MS themselves haven't abandoned retail? You tried saying in this very thread that I said they'd stop all at once ffs... how fucking stupid are you dude?
  11. There's a difference between abandoning them eventually, and abandoning them all at once.. like you're attempting to say...
  12. Hey retard, they aren't going to lose 70% of their retail sales all at once because their games are offered on a subscription service day 1.... Maybe... jusssst maybe....the amount of new subs from people who otherwise wouldn't have bothered buying the game... would augment that and make them MORE money? 10m sales x $70 = 700m 20m subs x $15 = $300M per month x 12months = 3.6B The funny thing though... is if the amount of people that you are so concerned about Sony losing retail sales from, instead subscribed to their service to play their games day 1... Sony wo
  13. WHO THE FUCK SAID THEY'D ABANDON THEIR CURRENT BUSINESS MODEL? It's fucking HILARIOUS that in your world... they'd have to stop making money the usual way.. and their only revenue stream would be the new way... Sony WILL copy MS. They absolutely WILL follow them in this regard. This isn't up for debate lmfao.
  14. What's AAA about the gameplay?
  15. Smart businesses don't wait until other businesses dominate to take action... lmfao We can ALREADY see the influence Game Pass is having on Sony. And yes, Day 1 PC games will happen eventually too.. that's also inevitable.
  16. Playstation WILL follow MS with a gaming subscription service similar to Game Pass. They ABSOLUTELY will start offering their first party games day 1 on that service (PSPlus) in the future. It WILL happen this generation.
  17. As I said...thanks for the free games, idiot... all while wasting your money on Fortnite
  18. Thanks for funding the Epic Game Store and the exclusive games... as well as all the hundreds of free games I've got All because PS owners waste their money more than any other platforms... even the ones designed around wasting your money (phones)
  19. Really? I thought most of the gamer girl streamer chicks played this shit on PC? I mean, I think the most competitive side of the fanbase is probably certainly on PC... but who the fuck knows.. I had no idea PS alone would generate essentially 50% of the revenue. I thought it would be like 40% mobile, 35% console, and 25% PC. PS gamers really like spending money on cosmetics and DLC shit huh.. Sony's profits are absolutely insane, and it's easy to understand why. DLC/micro transactions are the biggest revenue drivers by far.. which is why active users is
  20. They're doing a lot of work to it. They're vastly improving the streaming tech as well as improving all the models and details by hand on a location-by-location basis. They're working on the DX12U renderer as well, which will bring HUGE CPU performance improvements to the game (and probably allow this game to be realized on consoles in the first place) They're also adding content and such. On PC, you can release a game in an early state and build upon it, and the userbase generally accepts that model of development.. but on console, they really need more of a "package
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