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Everything posted by Remij

  1. WHO THE FUCK SAID THEY'D ABANDON THEIR CURRENT BUSINESS MODEL? It's fucking HILARIOUS that in your world... they'd have to stop making money the usual way.. and their only revenue stream would be the new way... Sony WILL copy MS. They absolutely WILL follow them in this regard. This isn't up for debate lmfao.
  2. What's AAA about the gameplay?
  3. Smart businesses don't wait until other businesses dominate to take action... lmfao We can ALREADY see the influence Game Pass is having on Sony. And yes, Day 1 PC games will happen eventually too.. that's also inevitable.
  4. Playstation WILL follow MS with a gaming subscription service similar to Game Pass. They ABSOLUTELY will start offering their first party games day 1 on that service (PSPlus) in the future. It WILL happen this generation.
  5. As I said...thanks for the free games, idiot... all while wasting your money on Fortnite
  6. Thanks for funding the Epic Game Store and the exclusive games... as well as all the hundreds of free games I've got All because PS owners waste their money more than any other platforms... even the ones designed around wasting your money (phones)
  7. Really? I thought most of the gamer girl streamer chicks played this shit on PC? I mean, I think the most competitive side of the fanbase is probably certainly on PC... but who the fuck knows.. I had no idea PS alone would generate essentially 50% of the revenue. I thought it would be like 40% mobile, 35% console, and 25% PC. PS gamers really like spending money on cosmetics and DLC shit huh.. Sony's profits are absolutely insane, and it's easy to understand why. DLC/micro transactions are the biggest revenue drivers by far.. which is why active users is
  8. They're doing a lot of work to it. They're vastly improving the streaming tech as well as improving all the models and details by hand on a location-by-location basis. They're working on the DX12U renderer as well, which will bring HUGE CPU performance improvements to the game (and probably allow this game to be realized on consoles in the first place) They're also adding content and such. On PC, you can release a game in an early state and build upon it, and the userbase generally accepts that model of development.. but on console, they really need more of a "package
  9. I'm honestly shocked that mobile isn't the top earner though. I would have thought it would have been. But mostly I'm kinda just shocked how little the PC version is in the overall scheme of things. I would have thought it was certainly bigger than Xbox alone. Mind you this doesn't necessarily reflect the split between users, but rather how much money PS gamers are willing to part with compared to PC gamers on games like this. Mobile being dead last is a surprise though. Now we know why Epic wants to remove their walled garden so badly. They want to make all the mo
  10. I didn't say it exists right now, I said it will.. this year
  11. https://www.theverge.com/2021/4/28/22407939/fortnite-biggest-platform-revenue-playstation-not-ios-iphone God the cows sure love wasting money on that shitty game
  12. You tell me. The truth that Nintendo games can be played best on PC sure hurts doesn't it?
  13. It's pretty fucking sad people still need to be told this
  14. The lighting looks insane now. Holy shit. Now we have infinite light bounces and performance is even better too.. and that's not even counting DLSS2.1 Old RT implementation vs New This game easily has the best lighting ever in any video game. It's quite insane.. This is all dynamic lighting too.. nothing baked.
  15. MS is going to have 3 massive games this year. Forza Horizon 5 Starfield Halo Infinite Probably all in the last half of the year
  16. Yea, I checked and nothing. Not too worried about it though. I just thought it was an open beta or whatever. I was in the Phone beta test a while back. If they open up the browser beta in the future I'll give it a shot.
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