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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sites are overrating the FUCK out of this. I'm not saying the gameplay is bad... but visually... oh you better believe it's overrated. I don't think there's anything happening here that couldn't happen on a PS4 at 1080p. What do you find so special about it?
  2. It's nothing special visually... cmon now
  3. For the record it's dynamic 4K, and hovers around the 1440p mark during usual gameplay. Also has fps drops into the mid 50s often. The game will probably review better than it deserves.. because people have out right admitted that they'd take anything on PS5 atm... they just want something new to play
  4. I don't want to spoil it for you... but I'll just say things start abruptly happening.. and nothing is given the proper time it deserves. Also there's no real character development outside of one person, and it's all pretty bad. Introduce a character... and it's killed off in the next scene lmfao. It's just fucking dumb. The first 7min are probably the best of the entire movie.
  5. I watched the movie last night. The first 1/3rd of the movie is quite good... then it just becomes stupid... like REALLY fucking stupid
  6. ^damn, 3 of my bitches lining up to get slapped I never EVER said MS didn't do this shit either Parity clauses.. console fuckboi shit by lame platform holders
  7. Oh fuck, I had this tab open before and thought you were talking about RE4 VR My bad
  8. Yea, pretty much. I'm going to play this VR version, I'm going to play the RE4 HD mod for the PC version when that's fully complete... and I'll give the RE4 Remake a shot as well. Hopefully with the Remake they change it up.
  9. Neat little feature overview of the hardware. I like the visuals they created to explain some of the advanced features. Especially for the haptic feedback stuff. That stuff is really hard to visualize and yet I think they do a pretty great job of it in their promos. I also liked the visualization they did for the FPS.
  10. Looks fucking incredible I love the visual style so much. The winter are looks so gorgeous
  11. 23M people paying $10 - $15 per month is pathetic? lmao no.... Pathetic is PS Now's numbers after being on the market far longer. Remember, GP isn't a primary source of revenue.. it's currently augmenting their other revenue streams. And also keep in mind that gamers have to be the absolute most stubborn group of consumers with regards to change. You are never going to have Netflix and Disney+ types of movement in the same amount of time.. because Physical games are still an extremely large part of how gamers consume games. It's growing and growing. They
  12. I told you guys Nintendo and Sony would never allow MS to sell their service on those platforms But that doesn't mean select MS games aren't going to make it over to Switch though.. There's obviously something happening there... but I suppose it could just be more Smash Bros shit like Master Chief too. MS is focusing on Game Pass though, and they want their titles ONLY where GP exists.
  13. Developers can monetize services in their apps and pay no fees to MS... as well as other necessary improvements to the backend to improve reliability and speed. Bout fucking time lol
  14. I wasn't jizzing about anything besides the tech son And I care because it's all PC features that benefit me as a PC gamer If Sony would actually talk about their tech more, I'd make threads about that too
  15. Jesus christ... I'm stating the realities of the hardware that support it. You have such a hate on for my you're blind to even the most basic shit.
  16. DirectStorage detailed for PC Today at Game Stack Live, MS went into more detail about how their upcoming DirectStorage API for Windows will work. Essentially it will allow developers to bypass having to decompress GPU data first on the CPU into system memory, then again utilizing the CPU to copy that data from system RAM to VRAM. We essentially already knew this, but they go into more detail about how it actually works. Before: Storage (old stack, compressed) > CPU (decompression) > RAM > CPU (copy overhead) > VRAM Now: St
  17. Uh, it's a PC focused event dude lmfao...
  18. Holy shit, that's 3 flops from Sony in a row
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