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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So it was a cross gen game... content was cut because devs started getting overly ambitious but the I/O of last gen consoles wasn't cutting it. They wanted to do more with the extra power of the new consoles. PS5 was having issues for whatever reason. Capcom debated whether they should drop the last gen versions and go "all in" on next gen. They questioned testers and came to the conclusion that since PS5 wasn't cutting it.. they might as well continue the game as cross-gen. Pretty simple. It's so obvious the only reason you guys don't want to believe him this time..
  2. You've already been told exactly how this all went down... LMAO Dusk Golem laid it out exactly. Believe whatever helps you sleep better at night dude And it's EXTREMELY hilarious that I was the one person here that was defending cross gen games... when the rest of you fags were going on about Sony dropping it like a rock and focusing on PS5 Now it's "bubut why would anyone release a next gen exclusive"
  3. Here's also Twinblade: Select quotes: "PS doesn't have much more than Xbox tbh" "I wouldn't recommend a PS5 to anyone.." "I've barely touched mine since the first few weeks"
  4. Wrong about so many things? lol sure. And of course it doesn't make business sense... that's what Jon and I were telling you clowns when you guys were blabbing on about Sony believing in generations (LMAO) The fact remains.. Capcom wanted to do more with this game, and PS was causing issues. Now we're getting a very clearly last gen RE game. It's fine.
  5. It was at one point. They were making it for last gen and next gen, then next gen excited them and they wanted to do cool shit and make it next gen only... and then PS5 wasn't cutting it... so they had to dial back their ambitions.. so then they said fuck it and here we are
  6. Yea, it's still going to look fucking awesome. It's a 60fps RE Engine Resident Evil game after all. Also got RT
  7. I don't have to hope anything 'Member when you said PSNow was the only way I'd be playing HZD on PC. You even said "There's your PC version" when it was announced for PSNow" And then now I'm like: "Better hope"
  8. Nope. MLB told Sony... this game releases on Xbox.. or it doesn't release on PS. And Sony did what they were fucking TOLD. So yea, The PS version existing is completely dependent on it existing on Xbox. MLB said so (and now he's off topic talking about Bloodborne )
  9. This game only exists on PS... because the Xbox version exists... that's literally why Sony made it
  10. In other words.. if the game doesn't exist on Xbox... it doesn't exist on PS either Keep repeating THAT bitch
  11. It doesn't matter... because they ARE. And Sony can't do a single thing about it
  12. Sony is 3rd party. They DEVELOPED the game. Doesn't matter who publishes it. SONY DEVELOPED IT. Sweetie
  13. I already said it doesn't matter who's doing what.. or even the why. It's a Sony developed game. And it's on Xbox Keep losing your shit little sheepie..
  14. MLB developed by Sony And somehow the sheep are the most owned by this
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