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Everything posted by Remij

  1. ^this sounds like something someone mad about a couple ESRB ratings would say 🤣😆
  2. Some pics. I'm definitely going to be playing this again very soon, but this time with motion blur off. The motion blur looks absolutely awesome in this game, but it fucks with taking pictures lol.
  3. Literally nobody is acting like that LMFAO... we're literally saying "Who cares?" and "It's nice to not have to own and drag out a shitty Nintendo system to play these games" What this thread DOES contain are 2 Sheep acting like it's the end of the world because a couple of games got rated by the ESRB
  4. Yes, I absolutely agree. The lava itself should have been better. It was flat looking and plain compared to everything else.. like you said. The lava could have used more splashing and better flowing animations definitely. The particles, lighting, and all the other stuff though looked awesome. Yea, I'm really quite pleased with the DLC. Now that Rod Fergusson is gone, hopefully Gears 6 changes up the gameplay a bit more and has more awesome set pieces like this expansion does. Definitely more of a Gears 1 vibe as you said.
  5. Holy shit, the Gears 5 Hivebusters Lava Rush set piece is probably peak Gears ever. That was such a fucking epic sequence damn
  6. Holy shit... console owners got raped so badly with this game they're going on TV to air grievances omfg
  7. LMAO the Jerry-Goukround is in full butthurt swing.... LMAO you know how fast that shit's spinning right now? So fast that I'm getting off and they wont even notice
  8. This thread... wouldn't exist.... if you sheep wouldn't get SO HEATED by them.... but you do... because you can't help it. BIG MAD 🤣
  9. Why did you run into this thread to lose your shit? Was it because you wanted to help a friend because he's losing his shit... are you equally as mad? Sheep are so pathetic ESRB ratings get them so heated The Desperate Struggle of Sheep
  10. For what? I already told you Who cares? The answer of course... is sheep... BIG CARES because they're BIG MAD right now
  11. I wouldn't be making a thread about it... if it wouldn't get the sheep all in a tissy... but it does... so here's the thread.
  12. You're celebrating Ghosts n Goblins FFS.. sheep have no room to talk Smash characters are AAA games to you
  13. Literally will be playable on PC probably day 1 through emulation
  14. I give a shit about Sheep being owned... which is what you are. I don't give a shit about games I've been able to emulate since forever... lmao.. you lost these fucks whether you wanted to or not And THAT is the sheep ownage
  15. I already fucking told you... who cares? The announcement is all but made. Nobody here gives a shit when they release... but they are for sure releasing.. we know that much.
  16. PC always wins SW Game of the Year = the PC exclusive Half Life: Alyx.... the game people here said was already forgotten
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