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Everything posted by Remij

  1. By that logic they wouldn't have released any games on PC at all
  2. Changes in strategy take time sweetie. They weren't ever going to just announce "hey our SP games are all coming day 1 from now on too" because their studios are already deep in development and aren't currently set up to deliver day and date PC games... Want to know why their GAAS studios are? Because they were already set up to deliver PS5 and PC releases day and date.... Bungie? Yep. Arrowhead? Yep. Haven? Yes. Their SP studios aren't there yet... but Naughty Dog has integrated PC dev into their studio. Sony Bend already have... Day and date releases are coming.. and it w
  3. PC gamers that wouldn't create a free PSN account are going to run out and buy a PS5 to play the sequel to some PS game they played on PC - Herman Hulst
  4. LMAO not at all. I never said Sony would come out and say "yep all games day and date" today... and lmfao you even quoted a post of mine today specifically stating that I wasn't ever saying that.. which I knew to do preemptively because you fucks try to twist everything I say
  5. I'm not conflating anything dumbass. I know full well the distinction Sony makes... You don't seem to get that I said what I said from the perspective of someone who isn't on systemwars you goon From the perspective of a regular person.... Sony is already releasing games day and date on PC. Just because you and I are distinguishing between them because of some systemwars bullshit, does not mean everyone does.. or has to. Get this through your head... Sony ALREADY RELEASES GAMES day and date on PC and PS5. That has ALREADY happened.. I'm not claiming some victory
  6. Not even one LOL The group of gamers that will wait a year or two... or wont even acknowledge a game has released on PC if it releases on Epic Games Store first instead of Steam..... is just not going to be able to wait for some Sony game! That's what you want to believe..
  7. You've got to love the logic that Herman Hulst is throwing out there... That PC gamers who didn't buy a console for the original AAA SP Playstation game... is going to run out and buy one for the sequel.. which they also know will come to PC after
  8. It's pretty funny that the two dipshits in this thread trying to hate on PC gaming... include one who bought a top of the line PC to brag about it and talk down any other PC gamers who have a lesser PC than him... and an idiot that continually owns himself by buying shitty GPUs with obvious bottlenecks for the long term, which causes him to lash out. The guy that plays every game out there, but cant ever seem to finish teh AAA PS bangers And an idiot who, everywhere else other than here, brags about PC gaming and how awesome his PC is
  9. LOL Console gaming in the 90s was way better... all their games didn't come to PC, they had actual AAA exclusives... and they weren't basically just junky PC hardware in a console box.
  10. Modern PS gaming: PC ports, Live service games that sell best on PC, and a stupid as fuck fanbase that all say "I'M SELLING MY PS5 AND BUYING A PC IF SONY RELEASES THEIR SP GAMES DAY AND DATE!! "
  11. "They have nothing of their own" LMFAO we've got all ours... AND yours. Shut the fuck up Twinky Meanwhile you clowns are out here begging for Gears Collection and Halo and everything else that you've spent the last decade hating
  12. Just look at that image for a second. More games are going to be PS5 and PC day and date, than PS5 exclusive
  13. ^ Oh man... Their strategy IS changing you fucking moron... literally right before your eyes.
  14. Remember when Herman Hulst said this? Because I do. First it was just one game... don't expect any other ones then it was, ok.. here's some more then it was, ok... we're making live service games then it was... ok the live service games are day and date, but not SP games then it was... live service day and date... but SP games are strategic I don't know why you idiots set yourselves up for ownage like this. You know it's going to happen.
  15. And they will be. If you see, that's what they've been building their studios up to do. Naughty Dog and Sony Bend already developed their ports in house. OBVIOUSLY their future games will be developed with the knowledge that the PC version will happen, so as conversion times shorten, it will be developed alongside the console version.
  16. lmfao the foreseeable future... bitch how near sighted are you that you can't even see to the end of this gen Look how much things have changed just in the first half of this gen alone
  17. See that's the thing with these guys... all Firetard was looking to hear was "day and date" and because they didn't say that specifically... he's acting like as if their strategy isn't malleable or that it can't change.. OBVIOUSLY they're not going to just come out and say "All our games are day and date now" to their investors... because as much as some investors would likely applaud that... others would scare easily if there's too big of a shift at once. That's what Firetard is a tard. That's why I never said they'd just come out and announce it fullstop like that. They will
  18. He was very clear indeed. Live service games are day and date... but tentpole games are more strategic. Notice how they list "Until Dawn" as a tentpole title in the slide. Did you remember that Until Dawn remake was announced for PS5 and PC together. Here's what's going to happen. I'll break it down for you. Sony will say what they are saying about their tentpole titles... because they currently depend on those titles. Those CURRENTLY make up the majority of their first party revenue.... but what happens when the live service games take off, and instead of 1 game a
  19. I said by the end of this gen.. Never said anything about "this time" And no.. he didn't. He said they're taking a strategic approach. It 100% will happen... lmfao
  20. LMAO the second time today this idiot quoted an old post of mine directly saying the opposite of what he JUST accused me of trying to say today "....and even then nobody said this would be where they announce day and date.. " And lo and behold... they ARE pushing further beyond the boundaries of Playstation consoles
  21. I didn't jump any gun dipshit. Read my words carefully next time and stop wigging out because you're so fucking butthurt about me saying some things to the point where you feel you have to create strawmans just to try to own me. Sea of Thieves DID dominate Sony's lineup you fucktard. It had like 2 skus in the top 5 and 3 in the top 10 or some shit like that.. It's an old ass Xbox game you fucking lunatic... See this is the problem... you simply can't handle anyone talking about anything Xbox being over or doing better than anything Playstation. You're a fucking
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