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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 7.5B That's MASSIVE Dick energy right there
  2. He completely baited the cows. Gotta admit though, it was funny hearing them go on about generations Jim Lyan
  3. Gabe has a big dick but nothing gets him hard anymore
  4. Yea, tell me about it. I already own the shit that gets decent discounts so there's fuck all else.. Big whoop.. 10% Meanwhile Big Dick Tim giving me free games every week
  5. I should probably pick this up while it's cheaper. I rag on the Yakuza games, but I know they're pretty good fun. This one looks more up my alley with the turn based shit. edit nvm, it's still full price on LOLC
  6. Yea, ok so the option is there, but I guess it's just an unoptimized game/engine. I thought that might be the issue, cause I know that had a major performance impact in Yakuza 0.
  7. I just checked and I was right about it having a supersampled AA mode. If you have the AA set to "SSAA" it's supersampling, which means it's rendering 4x the pixels.. so 4K effectively. I don't know if that AA setting is tied to "maxed" though. If you're on FXAA or SMAA, then you're running 1080p.
  8. IIRC "maxed out" has AA enabled, which in that engine is essentially 4x supersampling. So if you're running 1080p, with AA maxed, it's like running native 4K. You could probably leave everything maxed, and just change the AA setting to FXAA or SMAA and performance will be much better. I might be misremembering though.
  9. ^ 3 posts in a row.. I thought this clown was done.
  10. I'm riled up Nah I'm just kidding, damn relax
  11. Get back to work and stop thinking about me
  12. LMAO yes... keep showing how pathetic you are... to STILL be talking about Jonb and what he did last week.... when he's not even here to respond Pathetic sheep shithead
  13. bubu other posters omfg.. he's getting mad cause I'm picking on him
  14. Nope, you're the one getting offended because I'm calling you more pathetic than you're calling him Literally spending the last week talking about what Jonb did on Thanksgiving
  15. You probably also weren't thinking that you were going to spend the next week going on and on about someone who did... but here we are
  16. Remij

    Got a ps5..

    lmao PS5 the milky wave What an ugly fucking console. If it was just BIG... that's one thing... but it's the biggest AND the ugliest by a huge margin. I wouldn't be caught dead with that garbage in my living room
  17. I love how now it's "dumb SW shit on Thanksgiving" lmao dude... were you unable to think of anything else but your family on Thanksgiving? Did you spend the ENTIRE day not doing anything else but being 100% focused on them? This shows how fucking pathetic you're willing to be to try to troll and hate on Jon
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