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Everything posted by Remij

  1. What's with you always talking about lemmings and hermits... don't you have a PS4 to play?
  2. They had a bet... and he was inquiring about it. Asked a simple question. You idiots spent far more time thinking about it than Jonb ever did, I can guarantee that. And you're STILL thinking about Jonb
  3. God you look fucking retarded typing that out like you aren't the idiot here You've spent the past week going on and on about it... That's FAR more pathetic I bet next week you're STILL talking about it
  4. He made a thread which took 30 seconds to make, and you fucks have been going on and on about it for a week now... yea.. Jonb's the loser
  5. Holy fuck this is the dumbest thing said on this forum for a long time
  6. Then drive to the store and buy a REAL gaming device
  7. Sure I can... many of us did it a decade ago. Go back and play some NES games and you'll be crying that everything was complete bullshit and cheap/poorly designed..
  8. LOL you constantly whine when games give you a bit of challenge Yea, it's always the games fault Twinky
  9. Yep, exactly. They aren't even in the same league. Twinky is on some dumb shit lately. Probably upset cause he can't figure out how to build a PC that doesn't give him problems and cost him an arm and a leg. He's probably just disgruntled and so for idiots like him that's why consoles exist. The funny thing though is that he's still going to build his PC anyway... and game on it.
  10. Yes it FUCKING CAN run Valhalla at 4K 60fps. God you're fucking DUMB
  11. What's delusional is you thinking consoles have anything on PC Medium settings 60fps with dips and screentearing PC is going to separate itself even farther this gen with Ray Tracing and DLSS type shit. Already at launch there is a $399 GPU that shits on the consoles.... by late next year... another 20% faster... then the year after that 30% faster... and then if you're lucky you get a mid gen refresh
  12. You're right... it's not comparable... Metro is open and Demons is corridors... and even then there are areas which look WEAK. Animation is meh in Demon's Souls as well... And I've played some Demon's Souls on PS5... and no, you haven't experienced Metro with RT, or at 4K
  13. You're a clown "PC's not leading the charge anymore" ... completely ignores Ray Tracing and the games that look far superior on PC than they do on consoles.. lmao. Demon's Souls Metro Exodus..
  14. Of course. Demon's Souls looks great... but there's many ways it's lacking compared to other games.
  15. Metro Exodus looks better RDR2 maxed out looks better Detroit looks better Control maxed out looks better Horizon ZD looks better FH4 looks better The list is BIG.. of games that look better than those 2 fucking games
  16. You have to forgive him... he plays his racing games with a far superior setup than you'll ever know:
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