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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Since spoilers are allowed for this old game... and I've beaten it... I guess it's ok for me to talk about the ending of the game. You've.... beaten it.... haven't you?
  2. No... my logic is that the list is the list. You're desperately trying to create some scenario in which TLOU2 is #1 and not #5 In every scenario... PC wins
  3. Sweetie... everyone has played the game. You're the one screaming for mods to come in and want bans happening in multiple threads
  4. RT is a gimmick VR is a gimmick -Some Sheep
  5. Holy shit... look at the gymnastics here bubu if you remove all these other 4 games "TLOU4" wins But the funny thing is that even if you do that.... a MS exclusive game wins... MS Flight Sim... Holy SHIT
  6. Something that predicable can't be a major spoiler... but it's funny watching you tag mods cause you're BIG MAD about it.
  7. I don't want you banned... you're ALREADY owned by Phil Spencer. Phil threw 7.5B like it was nothing and POPPED YOU IN YOUR CRUSTY MOUF DOOM is a MS IP now bitch... get it on GamePass
  8. ^ Thanks for establishing that PC is the only platform which supports RT in CP2077... the year in which it won best visuals by DF And CP2077 isn't even for sale on Shitney consoles cause it was so bad
  9. Jerry tryina make ban bets DOOM is a MS IP now buttercup sweet tits.... Phil is callin the shots now
  10. No MM isn't a better GFX game than any "real" PC game... lmao CP2077 alone shit on that garbage. And HL:A IS a PC game... because it runs on the PC platform. And from now on... no PSVR game is a PS5 game.... since that's YOUR opinion on the subject. I love how you just inadvertently gave me free reign to skull fuck you with this at every opportunity
  11. DOOM and Bethesda are OWNED by MS.... just like you are
  12. I love that what you tried to do here... was give me reign to disregard every PS VR game that comes in the future... because they aren't PS5 games This is gonna be FUN
  14. ^ It requires a PC What a fucking desperate moron... and the funniest thing... is that it's not working and he knows he has no chance Platform: PC HL:A > TLOU2
  15. I'm pretty much laughing that Demon's Souls got beat by HL:A and CP2077 smacked the SHIT out of Miles Morales "bubu nothing counts " He's so fucking desperate
  16. Yep. It requires a PC. It's a PC VR game. It ranks higher than TLOU2... and Demon's Souls Don't be mad that DF made a list of the best gfx... and HL:A... experienced in the only way it can be experienced..... is on PC. God damn TLOU2 and Demon's Souls got fucking OWNED hard
  17. You're pretty miffed that DOOM is now an Xbox/MS franchise.. as is their engine tech. That's gonna be pretty hard for you in the coming years DOOM best on PC... Thanks MS
  18. Uh, firstly, you said that about CP2077... which isn't a VR game... lmao And anyway... HL:A is a PC VR game... it RUNS on PC. And it's more impressive technically and visually... than TLOU2... lmao #5 And MS can take credit for Windows as a platform.. allowing 6 of the games on that list... to be best... on PC Now cry on
  19. Yea I know exactly what you mean. And yea, fuck on Wed/Thurs it was -38'C here with the windchill 🥶... then the next day it was -5'C
  20. That's typically my life here... but this year we don't have that much so far... but I know it's coming.
  21. A shittier version of the game than what you played is irrelevant... you played the next shittiest version
  22. Jerry LITERALLY has a Phil Spencer complex.. The guy must have REALLY fucked over his brother and his son multiple times and Jer was none too happy about having to buy multiple Xboxes
  23. Exactly... all he does is talk Sales and Xbox LMAO Nintendo and their grossly overrated shit 90% of the time. You can tell people like him and Jerry take this shit super seriously... Jerry literally said in this thread that PC can't take credit for CP2077... that was CDPR's accomplishment...
  24. LOL I couldn't imagine playing this on a Sony console like you did
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