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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Demon's Soulless and Spiderp-Man: Miles Moronles Cows are such fucking clowns
  2. Remij


    That's more than we can say about you
  3. Remij


    https://www.audioholics.com/news/sound-united-hdmi-2.1-no-issue Not saying you're having issues or anything. Just noticed this and thought I'd bring it to your attention if you didn't already know.
  4. Try turning off your computer... should make the experience better
  5. Called out retarded logic... bubu lemijjjjj teh ms fanboiiiii Lmfao
  6. Lmao yep.... every other display is the reason why the game looks like washed out shit on your oleds
  7. Lmao I'm calling you out for your idiot retarded logic that just because a character appears in Fortnite.. it's "basically an admission it's a failure" No response... just lemmmmmmiiiiiiiijjjjj
  8. Yeah see that's exactly what I was talking about when I said that in the future people will look back at traditional lighting and realize just how terribly wrong it looks. This case is extremely obvious.. others are less so... but once you start to notice the fundamental issues... you'll see it even in the "good looking" games with traditional lighting.
  9. Halo is on PC moron And of course you have no REAL response to what I said... that's how matter of a fact what I said was.
  10. Doesn't change what I said.. lmao. Yay.... more characters in Smash... just what I wanted! SANKUSOMUSH Nintendo!
  11. Oh damn, I honestly kinda forgot about the MP mode coming. Might be cool. But yea, I'm looking forward to what's next from them. I would fucking LOVE a Mass Effect RPG narrative driven style game from them.
  12. I'm not... but can you honestly say you're not tired of seeing Smash every single Nintendo event... like lmao... reveal something new 🤣😆😂😃
  13. That's steep. Probably wrong though. Still, I'm honestly not sure how your GPU will handle the game. It could be demanding in ways not readily apparent. Maybe lots of transparencies and explosions and shit.. that might bog down lower end GPUs with alpha transparencies, especially when rendering two viewports.
  14. Hopefully that's The Last of That... and we can move on now
  15. @Twinblade Medal of Honor is on Steam and you can use Vive Oculus or Index with it fyi Word of warning though... it requires 180GB of drive space
  16. lmao Nintendo will be 4 years leaning on Smash What a fucking garbage game... so sick of seeing it.
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