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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Tchia looks fucking cool Shady part of Me looks awesome as well. Damn, some good shit shown
  2. There's going to be a lot of pissed people... PC version with 60% of the pre-order split. That's 4.7M pre-order copies on PC alone... holy fuck. PC version sales will probably continue on strong too while console sales might drop off a bit due to the quality.
  3. I dunno. Thing is that you can run at the same settings and lock to 30 on a much cheaper machine. I have the game maxed out at 4K with DLSS and locked to 30 the same as John. It's sexy as fuck.
  4. https://discoelysium.com/ I'm just purely guessing.. but we know at the very least a Switch port is coming. The game has been improved a lot in the many numerous patches, so I'm assuming it's ready to go for Switch now.
  5. Towards the end of the video John talks about this one point where it quickly cuts between a bunch of scenes with Jackie and V together.. he mentions that he thought it was a video... I had the exact same thought. I have the game completely maxed out, and all those cuts and the visuals were just so good and seamless, I questioned whether it was really real-time or a pre-rendered video... but then I remembered it was my created character.. absolutely crazy stuff.
  6. Yea, it doesn't happen often afaik on PC. I was just pointing out that it can happen there too. The amount of stuff this game is doing though... I mean, I may be different than others, but I can forgive some bugs and crashing when the game is pushing the envelope in so many areas. But yea, it does sound like the last gen consoles are having a pretty hard time.
  7. lol I watched the vid, and it's basically just John gushing about the visuals for 24min straight
  8. It crashed on the PS4 in the DF video too. Crashing on PC as well.
  9. Yeah, even with the usual streaming issues it's still going to look and run better for the most part.
  10. We don't have to... we've already seen how completely terrible it looks
  11. (Disclaimer for the idiots out there, the games are free to keep forever... and you have one week from now to grab them) https://www.dsogaming.com/news/pillars-of-eternity-tyranny-are-free-to-own-on-epic-games-store/ https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/
  12. Twinshit says the game runs fine on his pc...... but runs like complete trash on a 3080
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