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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Did you rike it? People beating it in 11 minutes Hope you enjoyed your exclusive look at RE8
  2. PS4 - 1080p PS4 PRO - 1080p PS5 - 1080p XO - 792p X1X - 1440p XBS - 792p XSX - 1440p Seems like the game was enhanced on Xbox One X, and Series X. Textures are a lot clearer as a result.
  3. Probably more content there than you'll get in your exclusive 30min timed demo for one day only
  4. Oh is it? You got so much out of that last weeks demo.. you couldn't stop talking about it all week! Oh wait
  5. All the insiders are hinting at FH5 taking place in Mexico. I definitely fucks wit dat
  6. I'm not crying.. You're crying
  7. Yea, it was terrible. First 3rd of the movie was good... then it just got stupid lmao.
  8. Uh, no that would assume that everyone who plays the game only plays with other people who don't own their own copy... All that's safe to say right now is that the game sold 1 million copies And good for it
  9. No, I I don't get to that point because I don't fumblestick my arms into position to shoot
  10. It's the same game with a graphical update. They've rearranged the OST obviously... and it still sounds amazing. They've made tweaks to the combat, which feels better than ever before. They've also added a new ending as far as I know. They haven't changed anything though.. just added extras. Put plainly.. if you liked/loved the origina game.. you will love this. If you hated the original, this isn't going to change your mind and make you like it.
  11. I like the wallpapers they include with the game.
  12. Yea, it is a nice track for sure.
  13. Yeah. I'm really hoping the game does well and they can add the option to play as Bro Nier or Papa Nier in the future... as well as the original OST. That would make this game literally perfect. I'm still liking Bro Nier though.. it's different for a change. The character model is already done anyway lol.. and the voice actor has done his voice work.. so I'm sure they've got plans to add it as DLC in the "Nier" future
  14. Yep, it happens sometimes with laptops and desktop CPUs which have integrated gpus in them. It's nice that the option is there if you're trying to save battery doing other shit.. but yea.. figured that was the case
  15. Oh lmfao.. that track is just a standard youtube license track that people can overlay into their videos so that it doesn't affect any copyright
  16. The OG is still better... but this one is good too
  17. Oh ffs lol I dunno mane.. make sure your refresh rate is set to 60 or 120, and the controller thing is done. After that... it should be absolutely fine. If it's still running like shit, then it could be what I said about the integrated GPU being used instead of the more powerful one. Force it to use the correct GPU in the Nvidia control panel.
  18. I'm running at 7680x3200 and my GPU utilization is only like 70% at 60fps locked
  19. Do the controller thing... It's even posted on the steam forums where one user had like 10fps.. and it was a controller issue. Essentially Steam's input and the game's input fight with each other and flood the input thread causing performance like you're describing. JUST DO THE FUCKING CONTROLLER THING And no, this is separate from that stuff. That's performance modes for your GPU... but Windows itself can decide what apps run on which GPU, if your laptop happens to have an iGPU. Trust me on that.
  20. Disable the steam input as I mentioned. Since you're on a laptop, also make sure the game is utilizing the correct GPU... Sometimes laptops have a discreet GPU as well as an integrated GPU, the game can default to the integrated GPU instead sometimes. Windows Settings > System > scroll down to Graphics settings > browse and add the game's exe and set it to high performance. What kind of fps are you getting?
  21. It looks like a more detailed Breath of the Wild as far as visuals go. That shot of the village right at the start looks damn beautiful.
  22. Yes, it's because your refreshrate is higher than 120. Set it to 120 in the Nvidia control panel and the game will use a double buffer vsync and lock at 60fps. If it's set to 144hz the game will lock to 48fps which is a triple buffer vsync... that's likely what you experienced. Also go into the game's Properties > Controller > Disable Steam Input. The game is flawless for me.
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