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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Remij

    Ditch :rofl:

    And no, RE8 wasn't always cross-gen. It was current gen only... until PS5 issues plagued the game
  2. You knew Sony was going to be in trouble when MS gave Phil free reign to throw Billions around..... And Satya insists they aren't done. MS' goal is simple. Buy and build up studios to keep pumping out games ALL THE TIME. Yea, the jokes are coming that MS still hasn't released anything this gen so far... but that's going to change... starting with Halo. Bethesda - 7.5B+ Discord - ~10B+ They just bought an AI company for ~19B too.. lmfao. Now... imagine if they start throwing millions and millions around for e
  3. Sorry fuckhead but PC requirements and expected performance was released BEFORE this was Sony marketed the game and this Showcase and yet they STILL showed info for the other systems in it Sony doesn't even have exclusive marketing rights to their own games
  4. Pretty good show. RE8 will be awesome. RE Netflix looks pretty good too. RE4VR for Oculus Quest 2 looks pretty good too. Timed demos are dumb though... but someone will hack it on PC anyway and make it playable for as long as we want
  5. Yea. There's a lot of literal just copy paste going on lol. You can have the same looking kind of enemy but give them some slightly different clothing or whatever. It's still better than RE7 in that regard though.
  6. Exclusive games.... ....those Days Gone
  7. Xbox isn't just a console is it? I like the Xbox brand obviously... I've never once said I didn't care about it.. I've said I don't care about the console... which is absolutely true. But that goes for PS too... I dont give a fuck about the console. I always admit when Sony has a great game.
  8. Both launch lineups are complete garbage. It's Halo Vs Horizon this fall. Edit// Actually I take that back. Demon's Souls, Spidey, and Ratchet are obviously better than the nothing MS has put out.. so I'll give you that. Still been a shitty console launch IMO. I just have no interest in these consoles whatsoever. First time I've never bought a PS console at launch Oh well
  9. I never say I don't care about Xbox lmao... I say I don't care about consoles.... And LMFAO DUDE
  10. House of the Dead remake is going to be awesome on PC. and VR
  11. So because one game was delayed, that automatically means the others are as well? You DO know Sony's games don't have dates either and are also being pushed back... LMAO you guys thought you were getting Horizon 2 and GoW and GT7... THIS... year.
  12. Oh yes... if what you said was that I'm making articles about current news until there's more news Stupid cowfuck
  13. It's 4x as powerful as that Xbox And it's also actually just over half the size of that GPU. The entire bottom part with the fan is just heatsink..
  14. Wait for what? TLOU Again Edition? At this point the only thing I'm waiting for is what the next negative Sony article is going to be about
  15. Because AMD is essentially the only game in town when it comes to producing an SoC with an x86 CPU and high end graphics together for a low price. Nvidia is pushing ARM hard now though.. and they just announced their new Data Center Arm-based CPU "Grace" 2 days ago. Nvidia will be doing all they can to try and push ARM in the coming years.. and if you have Apple, Nvidia, Nintendo, and potentially others pushing ARM based architectures.. then the console gaming market could eventually head that way as well. But I feel consoles will be lone dead by then in the traditiona
  16. What's wrong with Gwendoline Christie? She's awesome IMO
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