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Everything posted by Remij

  1. OMFG Yea... there was no sign of MM on PSN on PS4 It was advertised on EVERY PS4, and the TV ads also stated "also on PS4".... So uh... your excuse is that Sony sucked at marketing their game... And.... LOL... Still sold 70% less.. LMAO.
  2. You can't prove it is..... LOL Let me know when YOU can Until then... this sold 70% less than Spiderman you dumb bitch... actually wait... it sold that REGARDLESS
  3. Oh.... THAT'S the reason 70% less than Spider-man is "about what Sony expected".... LMAO ok Asks me to prove something he himself can't prove... ROFL invalidate your own argument... what an easy win for me.. lemme know when you get those numbers
  4. No one cared? You just said Hermits funded it You admitted it's an old PC game... and you admit it's your 2020 GOTY 🤣😆
  5. Old PC games Old Nintendo games God Switch is garbage... they're literally bragging about an old PC game being their 2 year later GOTY
  6. Another idiot that has to take it up with IGN
  7. Unfortunately for you, IGN used the PC version for their GOTY video... so you'll have to deal with them about that. 😆 It's an old PC game... that won GOTY in 2020. Switch's GOTY... is an old PC game 🤣😆
  8. It's an old PC game that won... Whatever makes you feel better bro
  9. LMAO an old 2018 PC game beat They Laugh at Us Too Cow fucks are so owned
  10. Remember when they thought it was next gen exclusive and Sony cared about generations?
  11. It's why those fuckers hide behind Playstation all day... and why Dike changed factions when the changing was good. LMAO... none of them actually seriously play Animal Crossing... not unless it's with their kids or girlfriends/wives.. lmao. No wonder why they're so fucking happy when Xbox games like Cuphead and Ori make their way over
  12. Lmao did you play the new Pokemons Sunlight and Shadow? Oh.. what about Animal Crossing Moon Horizons? What about the new ARMS sequel.. LEGS? Yoshis Barnyarn? How about Pikmin 3 Deluxe... again? Lmao get the fuck out of here... Nintendo has like 3 good games this gen so far that weren't already made before. Sick of these clown ass Sheep acting like anyone gives a fuck about their kiddy ass trash just because metacritic overrates their shit
  13. https://www.tweaktown.com/news/76850/spider-man-miles-morales-sold-70-less-copies-than-2018s/index.html I remember when I said nobody gives a shit about this when they showed it at the PS5 reveal, and crybabies were going on and on about it being SM...
  14. I want that Jurassic Park Evolution game though. I have everything else that's any good already.
  15. Yeah, you have a good point there. This would have been a great time to try and change up the gameplay and make it feel different to see what the reaction would be. And I'm pretty much in the same boat as you on that.
  16. What game won GS 2020 GOTY? PC exclusive HL:A TLOU2HBR 😆🤣
  17. Yea, it jumps off into the Escape MP mode. I think it took me around 5h as well. Maybe 4 and some change. I explored around the environments a bit for the collectables though and died a few times, but yea.. definitely going to be running through it again as a different character.
  18. Yep I did, it's awesome. I loved it. Is there going to be another expansion? I wonder how long out Gears 6 is at this point? I wouldn't mind another expansion like this in the meantime
  19. Yea. Even the variety in this short DLC is far better than Gears has been in a while. You have tropical jungle, a sandy beach, industrial complex, underground lava caves, and more. I love that they're going more colorful with Gears instead of the always grey/brown looking stuff we had before.
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