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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Who would have EVER thought at the start of last gen... that MS would fully embrace PC gaming... and Sony would start releasing their exclusives on PC? LMFAO... nobody. And here we have the sheep trying DESPERATELY to keep the conversation about "how long people are waiting" instead of the fact that they're coming in the first place.. which was always the real ownage and REAL indicator that the entire gaming market is changing and evolving right before their eyes Sheep waiting for GamePass and Halo for years now Sheep got late ports of Ori 1
  2. You just know Capcom wanted MH:Rise to be day 1 on PC as well... but Nintendo moneyhatted it. Oh no... what will PC game players do to get their Monster Hunter fix until MH:R comes out? Oh yea, play MH:W or just emulate Rise... and any other MH game out there
  3. Console fanboys can't even sleep tight at night anymore being sure that their first party games will stay exclusive
  4. And the NEED that incentive... because the platform holders KNOW that people would buy them on PC instead of console if given the option
  5. Switch doesn't even get most Capcom games, nor Square games... and certainly not Rockstar games DUMBOsan
  6. LMAO @Twinblade This is also coming from the guy that was PISSED about PC exclusive Super Seducer 3 not being on his store of choice
  7. Yes.. PC has the most games.. the most exclusives... and you decide on how powerful your PC is... It gets all those games... AND the most graphically impressive ones too.
  8. Too scared to put your money where your mouth is "no.. I'll just continue to say you're begging " BB best on PC and never on Switch
  9. The hilarious thing about your post... is that... console adopted PC hardware... LITERALLY. So creating games for THAT hardware IS creating games taking advantage of PC hardware Consoles have lost ANY identity that they had. They're losing their exclusive games too... everything is released on PC sooner or later
  10. You dont need an expensive PC to do either of those things. Of course.. you wouldn't know what a non-expensive PC is because you're so stupid with your purchases And sweetie... MS Flight Sim recently released and is definitely a cutting edge game visually. And Xbox games ARE PC games CP2077 looks and runs like trash on consoles... pure garbage.. and yet on PC is also far better visually. Run along and make more threads about PS5 having nothing to play and not being worth a purchase you fucking clown
  11. It hasn't been 7 years retard. First of all BB released in 2015... which makes it 6 years... Secondly, I have NOT been saying BB is coming to PC for 7 years.. and have not been waiting for it to be ported. I own it, and I've played it multiple times
  12. Nobody waited... it was already emulated Same with NMH3... which will already be emulated... SMTV which will already be emulated... Zelda BOTW 2... which will already be emulated... PC gamers don't wait... we take... and it's up to you how much you want to struggle with this
  13. And that right there is the thing. I mention what I hear about PS ports coming to PC and immediately him and the other butthurts around here latched on to this idea that I'm begging... so they have something they can derail my threads with. And ROFL he's been waiting on Bayo 3 and SMT for forever lol... bubu this year guiz for sure
  14. I love how Gouko keeps peddling this "time frame later" bullshit... when 90% of Switches library is late ports He's lost sight of the fact that all their exclusive and timed exclusive games are one of four things on PC: Already released Not released yet Not announced yet Not emulated yet But they ALL will be one of those four things at some point... and that's a matter of FACT.. and thus the Switch is a useless piece of shit as a console
  15. Says Nintendo fankids who constantly beg Nintendo to port their old games forward for them New Super Mario Deluxe (WiiU) Mario Kart Deluxe (WiiU) Captain Toad (WiiU) SM64 (N64) SMS (Gamecube) SMG (Wii) SM3DW (WiiU) Bayonetta 1+2 (WiiU) Hyrule Warriors (WiiU) Pikmin 3 Deluxe (WiiU) Tokyo Mirage Sessions (WiiU) Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze (WiiU) The Wonderful 101 (WiiU) LOL ^every single one of those games is on PC too
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