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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea I agree. All the other negative Sony stuff these past 2 weeks is much more concerning
  2. Shpeshel_Ed says Sony passed on Kojima's game. Death Stranding didn't make enough money for Sony and when Kojima pitched his game, Jim Ryan said no.. so Kojima went to other publishers and Stadia was interested, then something happened and MS picked it up. LMAO the Playstation of old would have never turned down a new Kojima joint.
  3. Nope.. sorry.. it's an issue that people are dealing with. LOL LOLny DRM
  4. You bought a Switch to play WiiU games for the first 2 years And it's not last gen... it's cross-gen. Let's not forget Twinky's thread where he said he has nothing to play on PS5 either
  5. New games every week lol. And LOL I told Jehurey that Epic Game Store wasn't growing. They spent far more in 2020 on free games trying to bring more people in... and spending remained flat.
  6. They're also begging for higher framerates and resolution too PREES NINTENDO gib us 4K wif DLSS... the very tech that everyone on this forum was clowning on in the beginning aside from ME I don't ever forget
  7. The irony of a Switch owner talking about begging for ports.. when the entire first 3 years were like... here's a WiiU port "OMFG AWESOME" here's another port "OH MAN WE EATIN" ect ect
  8. Shut up Jon.. I remember when I was clowning with you because you bought a PC with a lower end GPU, and then spend extra to get a 2060... you defended that thing too any time I tried to talk shit about it.
  9. He does. It's hilarious It's definitely challenging, and even a bit punishing at times.. but it's always fair. If you fuck up.. it's generally your own fault in these kinds of games.
  10. No publishers want to target JUST a single platform if they can help it. Pubs want the most money possible Devs want the most people to experience their game as possible Only the platform holders have ANY reason to want to make something exclusive... and that's RAPIDLY changing because the platform holders themselves see the future where the device matters not. The user and the engagement matters most. And if they have compelling products... like Sony knows they do... then they KNOW they are leaving tons of money on the table. The only ONLY reason thi
  11. Nope. Back in 2015 I never expected BB to EVER hit PC.... but now I know it's coming... funny how much can change in a single gen This generation is going to be rough for cows.... which ironically means the butthurt Sheep. Those are the ONLY people that whine about PC ports of games. They do the whining for both Nintendo and Sony
  12. Nintendon't emulate our games LMFAO! MH:R essentially perfectly emulated within a week or so of launch. 4K 30fps locked already possible. 60fps unlocked and performance getting better and better every week What a useless console
  13. Oh I agree for now. But I also believe it will get there, and sooner than people imagine. The new Sony management doesn't give a fuck about fanboys. They give a fuck about making money. And console sales aren't what makes money. YES of course it drives the engagement of your platform's ecosystem...but like I said.. once Sony expands that so it will work on anything... then there's nothing requiring them to sell consoles to make things work. That's why engagement is actually the be all and end all of the business. If Sony can make PC gamers pay for their services... and can actually buil
  14. Yea, I don't think it will affect console sales that much. There's a group that want $500 gaming only devices that do everything they require. There's only a very vocal minority that actually threaten to not buy a console because x or y is coming to PC. Those people hardly follow through. The fact is.. Sony stands to gain more from the extra people that will buy their games on PC.. VS people that they'll "lose" from console sales. If those people go and buy PCs and buy Sony games on PC... Sony is still laughing. They haven't really "lost" anyone. Games are what mak
  15. So what you're saying is there's 100% chance it's coming to iOS then? Because it's 100% coming to PC
  16. Crash 4 is godly too! It gets even harder IMO
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