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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The problem now.. is that Jim Ryan is running the show. Kojima was chummy with Mark Cerny and Andrew House. Those guys would have funded Kojima's pet projects until he retired if that's what he wanted. Now that Ryan is running the show though, and like you said DS didn't light the charts on fire because it dared to be a bit different... it's likely Kojima was looking around for potential publishers. He was apparently in with Google on something (which might be the MS game now).. It could also be that Kojima has multiple games in the pipe and is working with both MS and Sony? Wh
  2. Remij

    Tobias Israel

    LOL I game on PC dude.. Idgaf about console exclusive bullshit.. take that argument somewhere else.. lmao insulting the Xbox console like I give a fuck I don't give a sweet fuck about ANY of those PS games you listed. The ONLY game I care about is Demon's Souls. I mean is it THAT hard to believe? You listed some games.. and I crossed out the completely shitty ones and left the 2 good ones.. it's not any deeper than that.
  3. Remij

    Tobias Israel

    They were straight up going to charge $70 for that shit too
  4. Remij

    Tobias Israel

    ftfy "Ratchet and Clank in 2 months"
  5. I dunno, that's what the article said lmfao. But I doubt anyone was actually thinking that. I think Jeff Grubb did that deliberately so that he had a way of posting the hint that Kojima and MS are in talks
  6. https://venturebeat.com/2021/04/07/abandoned-for-ps5-is-not-a-secret-hideo-kojima-game/ It MS got Kojima's horror game.. that would be pretty huge.
  7. You don't have to attack Xbox every time Playstation attaches themselves to something garbage...
  8. Oh yea? I'd likely go for the Ultra yea. Was gonna start looking into it in the fall.. since that'll be right around the time my previous contract is up. Still deciding. My provider has already messaged me once though asking how I'm liking the phone...I'm assuming they'll have some kind of deal or whatever for the new phones to get me to upgrade, but I never responded lol.. In all fairness the S10+ is perfectly good for me. There's no real reason for me to need the latest shit every 2 years. I don't game on my phone so the power that's there is already plenty. I'l
  9. Not really a good look for Sony putting their branding on such obviously early and somewhat amateurish looking content.
  10. That's what I was thinking of upgrading to from my S10+ at the end of this year. I think the screen is 120hz now compared to 60hz in the S10(+) lineup. So I mean surely it's quite a bit smoother?
  11. It's good that you're getting it out. Bottling your feelings up and carrying them with you will only make things harder. It'll get better as time goes on.
  12. Yea, but even DP2 is especially ugly on Switch. Sharper resolution and at least acceptable performance will go a long way in making it better. I mean, we shouldn't even be having this discussion.. you've seen the game on Switch. Nothing's going to "save" it (maybe texture mods)... but it's certainly going to be a lot better on PC than it is on Switch lol.
  13. I think you need to just drop the idea of a boost dock for this time around. If this upcoming Switch is just a "Pro" upgrade... it's just going to be a tablet upgrade IMO. A Switch "dock" with additional processing power might as well just be it's own SKU and released as a powerful console for the living room. Because that's going to be a few hundred all on its own.
  14. LOL that's the explanation for terrible performance and ugly visuals? LOL
  15. I think you had the sloppy firsts to begin with...
  16. It says nothing about the dock having any GPU or doing any processing... just that it's a new dock. We'll have to wait for more information.
  17. Yea it only makes sense... at least they understand that much. Nowadays you can't just clean break and start a new platform while all your competitors have their entire ecosystems carrying forward with them. I mean, you can, but it's extremely hard to do. People want their content and software to follow them. My whole thing is if Nintendo will actually utilize that ability.. and do some good with it with their older software. I hope so.
  18. I can totally understand not giving away BOTW of course, because yes, it's still selling well. But do everything else up to that point.. and give BOTW a healthy discount. If I'm Nintendo (obviously they are better at business than I am) but I'm thinking ok... Switch is our clear break point, and our new platform going forward. Let's port/bring over everything we can to this new platform and continue forward compatibility from there. You have all the Zelda games, all the Mario games, all the classics. Get the entire franchises playable on Switch (which to be fair they are doing
  19. https://twistedvoxel.com/deadly-premonition-2-is-coming-to-steam-in-2021/ The real definitive edition with playable framerates
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