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Everything posted by Remij

  1. https://twistedvoxel.com/deadly-premonition-2-is-coming-to-steam-in-2021/ The real definitive edition with playable framerates
  2. Sorry, but I said higher end titles Can you imagine if Nintendo was like "ok everyone your free game this month is Zelda BOTW" at some point before BOTW 2 launches? Sony gave away HZD... they're giving away FF7R... both titles which have upcoming sequels. This is Zelda's 35th anniversary year... imagine if Nintendo was like ok... every month we're giving all the Zelda games up to BOTW away to celebrate. You have to be an online sub for the month to get your game, but then it's yours to keep forever. Jan = Zelda 1 + 2 Feb = A Link to the
  3. Oh no doubt. It's much better now than it ever was before, with regards to them giving bigger titles away. FF7R is crazy..regardless of PS4 version on PS5 update... considering none of the other platforms even have it yet lmao. Honestly... us gamers get tons of free shit these days. PC you have constant free game giveaways on Steam, Epic Game Store, and Ubisoft Connect. Xbox you get free games as well with GWG and in a different sense Game Pass. Sony now too are giving higher end titles away. Good shit all around (except Nintendo lmao)
  4. Sadly most of the great PSPlus games have been PS4 versions of said games. Sucks you're not getting the next gen updated versions for a lot of them.
  5. You made the right choice And yea, it's insane once you get everything configured to your liking. It's all the pluses of a PCVR headset... and all the pluses of a stand-alone set which already has a decent enough processor to handle awesome games. Not to mention it's got the industry standard controllers that every VR developer targets, as well as inside out tracking with no setup. It's as simple as drawing your play area on the floor and away you go. 120hz support is coming too in a future update. Oculus is just getting started with this shit
  6. Nah man. Unity is just as capable as any other engine. Unity has come a long way... This is simply a choice of the developer to render out their cinematics as FMVs, and likely to save on storage space they've opted for 30fps videos instead of 60. I had RTSS running while playing the game, and the game doesn't even load during the cutscenes... so it's not like they're masking the loading with them. The loading happens right before the cutscene starts and right after it finishes for a split second lol. I will say the game loads extremely fast. It's possible though th
  7. Yea, it's got high quality to it. One thing that sucks though is that the FMVs are 30fps and not 60+. Ideally, they would be rendered in real-time and run like the game does, but having 30fps cutscenes and then switching to 60fps, or in my case 144fps gameplay is a bit jarring. Hopefully as cross gen games fade out, and the next gen consoles can handle 60fps games, hopefully developers keep FMVs either to a minimum and render everything in real-time, or they at least render the FMVs at 60fps so that everything feels more consistent. I think with the new compression and decompres
  8. Oh yes, Abe controls REALLY tight now compared to before... and the game is absolutely beautiful and smooth.
  9. I've been playing it since last night, along with some Binding of Isaac: Repentance. It's pretty good. There's some things that I'm finding kinda annoying with regards to some design decisions. Not really so much a spoiler at all but rather an early mechanic right from the very beginning of the game. It's just kind of annoying.. but not the end of the world or anything.
  10. They'll be at E3... and they'll also have a Bethesda conference later on in the year I'm sure too. Not to mention they've got stuff coming up for "games" and Windows as well. Towards the end of this month they'll apparently have another gaming thing, as well as Game Stack Live.. going over all the new technologies that are starting to be used.
  11. Sorry man. I've lost all my grandparents.. and it's rough. My moms side was the worst because both died relatively young.. and they weren't from around here so we had to travel back to my moms home where they lived. It was so hard for my mom having to go back there.. and it's hard seeing your parents (and extended family) in that sort of pain. It's really rough seeing people deteriorate right before your eyes. I've had an uncle pass away from cancer, and the whole thing is extremely hard on everyone. But just be thankful that you got to be beside her as she passed. Your famil
  12. Shipped. But yea. It will be Capcom's biggest release ever on a single platform. Monster Hunter World 2 is going to just do stupid numbers. There's also that MH Stories game coming out too right? Gonna do mad numbers as well.
  13. I disagree. I think Gears 5, Hivebusters, and Forza have been solid as fuck. Forza is the best racing franchise around. Obviously I agree they have a lot more work to do. They need a string of good hits to begin to convince people things are changing though. Halo NEEDS to be a great game. Hellblade 2 needs to be great too...and Perfect Dark has just as good of a chance as anything else. We'll have to see what they bring though.. because if they could have higher caliber titles, PLUS what they're doing with Game Pass.. that will drive subscriptions big time.
  14. Yep. Phil's making some good moves lately. You kinda get the sense that he's been slowing setting things up to actually change the perception of the brand and change the focus to the consumer. Can you just imagine in Xbox had hits like God of War and TLOU2 augmenting their strategy? They would absolutely be killing the competition. And that's what Xbox needs to do and they know it. All they need is to start releasing quality games... and they are being set up to do exactly that too. I don't give a FUCK what anyone on this forum says... when Elder Scrolls 6 is shown
  15. Nope. I can defend Xbox and MS and not be a lemming. You see, MS and Xbox are both on PC. Wow... look how easily I made you appear to be the butthurt bitch you are. You're so butthurt about it that you can't even differentiate between the two like I can. Conversation is done.. .because you're just trying to talk about me now... don't think I haven't noticed. LOL
  16. No it isn't. lmao They haven't made any inroads to Steam LMAO. Fortnite spending has gone down. I already explained to you that GP is growing. 30M by the end of this year.. book it And keep bringing it up sweetie.. I love smacking you around with it Your response was to show a graphic which clearly shows no growth whatsoever, and an embarrassingly flat line for an entire store year to year. And you ACTUALLY did that while trying to claim GP isn't growing This conversation is done, because you have nothing more to s
  17. Nope. You're butthurt because I defend MS and Xbox. And nope.. I'm not. He's doing exactly what I want of him. And he's going to continue going in that direction too. Yes son... keep posting quotes of me saying Jim Ryan is a loser.. along with Phil Spencer.......................... which will ALWAYS be in response to YOU. LOL go and find a post where I say that... which isn't in response to YOU
  18. 20M...... and yet they gave away MORE than that in free games in 2020 vs 2019 LOL That's not growth... that's giving away more free shit to maintain level spending....... Your entire theory has been thoroughly debunked. Funny how you think 20M for an entire store is good growth... but yet another 5M Game Pass subs in 6 months spending $10-$15 a month... isn't growth Fucking HILARIOUS
  19. People? You mean butthurt Sony fanboys.. run along and try again
  20. No it clearly hasn't. 20M in revenue for the year over last year... isn't growth It's going to be hilarious watching you attempt to claim it is.. while claiming that Game Pass isn't You're the one who thinks that IF Jim Ryan releases more games on PC.. he's failed. I know that because that's the metric you've set up for him. You claim that if he does what I'm "asking for" then he's going to be a failure like Phil Spencer. Phil Spencer is succeeding for me, because he's bringing things to the platform I play on. Same with Jimbo. YOU are the one that c
  21. Nope, not true. Tons of FPS games are released and die. Halo is selling MASSIVE numbers on PC. 3-5M is incredible for those games. You guys were saying Halo is dead. Surely a console exclusive game selling 3-5M copies on one PC platform alone is impressive. The rest of the world seems to think Halo did awesome numbers on PC. Maybe you just have unrealistic expectations.. because I'm not the one saying Halo and Horizon ZD sales on PC aren't impressive... (funny thing is one of your angles against the Sony exclusives coming to PC is that they are old.... LMAO)
  22. No they weren't... they were able to remain flat regarding Fortnite... and lose money by giving away more free games Steam has grown... EGS has remained flat. And I'm not retconning anything.. YOU are the one who thinks Sony releasing games on PC is their failure. Which is why I keep using it against you. Why Jim big D Ryan is my sleeper agent "destroying" Sony.... Look at the petitions of Sony fanboys to remove Jim Ryan from Sony If Jim Ryan is a failure... it's because he's doing what you don't want him to do... He's doing exactly what I
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