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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The joke of the sig is that Jim's my inside man... But yea... I hate Jim Ryan
  2. No... because Steam is growing... LOL Taking away from Steam he says https://www.pcgamesn.com/steam/record-users
  3. Halo sold 3x as much... at least... AFTER Halo's heyday... and Halo MCC is a collection of OLD games... HZD was a current gen Sony exclusive which sold like 10M You ACTUALLY thought I'd let you get away with attempting to change the "expectations"
  4. I love Jim lmao.. you got it twisted. He's going to open Sony up to PC. You clearly don't understand what's happening here LMAO. It's only YOU... a Playstation fanboy.. that considers Jim Ryan "failing" if he releases games on PC...
  5. That's FLAT idiot 429M in 2019... vs 435M in 2020.... Nobody is spending much money in EGS. And look at the amount of free games claimed vs before... WAY MORE.. and yet spending hasn't increased barely at all LOL
  6. Also consider for a second Jehurey... that HZD is only available to buy... and Halo MCC has been available on Game Pass since day 1 So MCC sold 3M+ and Horizon sold 1M+... but yea... Halo's just doing so BADLY
  7. Oh, you think my sig reflects how I truly feel about Sony... and isn't just a jab at idiot PS fanboys like on SYSTEMWARS.NET??? And you LITERALLY brought up my sig.. and Jim Ryan... not me LMFAO
  8. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2021-01-27-xbox-game-pass-grows-to-18-million-subscribers#:~:text=Like and subscribe.&text=Microsoft has announced a new,last mentioned in September 2020. 18M. It's at 20M now easily. Yes, selling 3 million is impressive.. Are you fucking stupid. Horizon ZD on PC has only sold 1 million plus... That's an exclusive game being sold to the entire PC userbase too... And yes, Steam is a fraction.. because it's obviously not 100% duh
  9. So where's your proof that Fortnight is growing due to free games on EGS. Because I haven't played Fortnite at all, and I have over 150 free games on EGS. Epic in store purchasing has also remained flat year to year... Which means Fortnight spending hasn't increased at all. Look how easy I just dismantled your theory. Let me explain MS' business strategy to you. MS gets people used to the idea of a gaming subscription model by having people try the service for $1... they also continually get people who don't stay on the service to re sub when there are big launches.
  10. The numbers are right there on SteamSpy. More than 3 million confirmed. Steam is only a fraction. And I don't need to confirm anything other than 20M subscribers which MS already announced. MS announced those people spend MORE on games as well. MS isn't going to announce the subs which happen per game launch... These games launch.. and subs increase.. we have confirmation of that because the number of subs keeps growing yoy I don't hate Sony. You hate Phil and Xbox far more than you think I hate Sony
  11. You're such a fucking clown bubu maeby it's my traditional monitor with layers upon layers of dust It's a byproduct of your imagination.
  12. Not as Game Pass... that was JUST announced.. and people were stunned And YES LOL of course Outriders will cause people to sign up. And Halo did incredible numbers on PC.. regardless of Game Pass... A lot of Game Pass subs joined for Halo. GP IS NOT MS' ONLY REVENUE..... Not to mention all that was happening when MS was in the midst of fixing their Xbox App so that it was more presentable because people hated the Windows Store. Hell, even ResetERA which are very pro Sony, are coming around to playing games on Game Pass and Epic Games Store. Y
  13. You're conflating me with DynamiteCop You really need to stop that shit... it's getting old
  14. MLB was just announced... Outriders... The real test comes when Halo releases, and then they get a steady stream of new games coming in. New games day 1... not "new to the service" games.....
  15. I've actually even noticed that the media's opinion on Xbox is starting to change. Articles are more positive lately too. All this shit helps mindshare.
  16. New games were just announced. Subs will grow again. Currently there's been a lull in between their game launches. Subs may have slowed down due to no big releases. MS' plan is to have enough studios and 3rd parties releasing games on a consistent basis to keep those subs. This type of stuff is largely dependent on a constant stream of new content coming in.. and MS knows this. That's what they are gearing up for. They aren't there yet.. obviously. They are at 20M right now, and will hit 30M this year I'm sure. 30M people paying $10-15 a month PLUS ac
  17. That's called growing. 20M is the only number you need to worry about. And this year they will cross 30M. Thinking about that... MS only sold 50M consoles.... And those 20M are spending MORE on games than they were before. Now MLB and Outriders... who knows what else they have in the future. But when big games like TES6 and Fallout and Halo Infinite hit.. subs are going to jump again and again.
  18. lmao... ok so what are you trying to say.. the game wont look like that? Because for what other reason would you argue about the "gameplay" angle if that's not what you're trying to say?
  19. Just like nobody here can say anything with any certainty... And I disagree... we're already seeing Sony follow MS in certain areas.. like offering their first party games as part of PSPlus... by adding newer games to PSNow... They're seeing what MS is doing and reacting. Problem is with services... you really need to react fast.. or pre-emptively counter.. because once something takes off and you miss that boat.. then you're wayyyyy behind. Again... This isn't Xbox's primary revenue stream...selling games is. This is augmenting that for the moment
  20. MS has been announcing roughly every 10m subs. It's growing.. and you're not changing that fact. MLB will no doubt bring that number up too.. which is why MS and MLB probably wanted this so badly. Getting those sports gamers in the fold. I love that you keep comparing Games to Movies and TV... lmao. Gamers are much slower to adopt new business models when given the choice. This year MS will hit 30m... That's a LOT of people paying $10-$15 per month son... And MS has already shown that those consumers are playing more and spending more than they were bef
  21. Show me where I said gameplay. They're showing clips from real-time in-engine replays, as well as in the garage. That's what the game looks like dude.. just because you didn't see "gameplay with a hud" doesn't mean that's not what the game looks like
  22. I never said they did breh. Where are you getting that from? You're not saying anything I disagree with. My only point to you is that eventually Sony will adopt a similar model. They absolutely will.
  23. Nope. I see a market trend... and Sony has to adopt.. They have no choice. And that's right... MS can run their business.. I play games. I'm perfectly capable of determining the value of the service as a consumer.
  24. Whether they've shown them or not makes no difference... they've DONE them.. and that's my point.. LOL MS knows what it will take to make this type of service work... you need to stop acting like they still have no idea if it will work or not...
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