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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Whether they've shown them or not makes no difference... they've DONE them.. and that's my point.. LOL MS knows what it will take to make this type of service work... you need to stop acting like they still have no idea if it will work or not...
  2. I'm not even sure the point you're trying to make to me. I've already said.. as a consumer it's not my job to worry about it. GP is an incredible value for the people that choose to use it.... That doesn't change because of Nintendo and Sony's success... I'm 100% telling you though, that I believe that as MS continues to chip away at the market.. more and more people will question the value of spending $70 on every game.. or paying a sub fee as it suits them. We've seen it before. You guys even laugh about GP taking $70 sales away from MS... but then MS c
  3. It's funny you think MS hasn't done the numbers Keep worrying about shit you have no idea about... while others enjoy the VALUE that is GP
  4. LOL dude.. I said "real-time in-engine visuals"... that's not gameplay fuckhead I've said.. yes that is what the game will look like... because that IS what the game will look like. They never showed "gameplay" as in driving on the track with the hud.... but that doesn't mean the game doesn't look like that.... Dude, don't ever talk to me about knowing the difference between x and y when it comes to video game visuals.. you'll just embarrass yourself
  5. ^It's not for me to worry about. What don't you get about that? You JUST spoke about Disney+... MS is in the process of growing the user base. And while they aren't meeting YOUR arbitrary goals you've set up (retarded ones at that, because unlike Disney+ Xbox's primary revenue is through physical and digital game sales and nobody actually buys movie discs anymore lmao) they are growing time and time again. You said after the $1 thing went away that MS would lose tons of "subs" and yet they are still growing. You're just mad because MS has the might to make that happ
  6. The problem is that they will have need. As Game Pass continues to grow, and MS continues to make it attractive for developers and consumers.. then people start to question why they are paying $70 for a game they play once or twice, and then shelve. Kinda like how Steam sales and other methods of getting games for cheap, has eroded the value of games on Steam. Why games go on sale much quicker than they ever used to. Why 95% of Steam is a cesspool of shit... MS is changing the game. They are putting their might into making that happen. Sony and Nintendo simply can'
  7. Yes it is a good enough answer. I don't HAVE to give a shit how it works for the company. I base it off the value it offers as a consumer... lmao. MS can do this all year sweetie.... Your entire argument has switched from "It's not a good value" to "it's not a good business move for MS" Stick to the fucking topic clown. GP is smashing that ass up for Value to the consumer.. but because you're so butthurt about Phil and Xbox, you're taking the brunt of it in your face instead
  8. Nope.. try again. Game was cross-gen, then capcom wanted to go next gen only with it.. but PS5 was having issues so they reverted back to previous plans. Plain and simple. LMAO thinking Dusk Golem just invented that shit.. and just invented that there were surveys being sent to testers about it. And yeah, that in-engine footage... was real-time. I never said gameplay. I certainly know the difference. And I'm going to smack you with it again and again
  9. Let Phil be the judge of that. And sweetie... there's 2 billion gamers.. and 150m of them are on console... There's LOTS of room to grow. And hun... GP IS growing. And deals like this are going to make it grow more and more. LOL but don't worry... I've completely noticed that you've switched topics from "what Game Pass provides"... to "how sustainable it is"... Sorry little boy, but MS has crunched the numbers... and they're a lot better at it than you are. Kinda like when you and other playstation idiots claimed that MS needs to kee
  10. bubut he wants his Steam Achievements so people know just how seductive he is
  11. Imagine when Jehurey discovers that there's such a thing as new gamers... and generations of kids that don't give ONE SINGLE FUCK about owning physical games. Tons of people who don't want to have "back catalogs of shit they never will play"... Tons of people who just want to try out a bunch of stuff they probably never would have if they had to pay full price or wait for it to drop in price later. $10-$15 a month... if you're a sports gamer.. that saves you ALL that money and is worth it alone... Nobody gives a shit about owning out of date Sports games.. and nobody wants to buy out of da
  12. PC exclusive Yea it looks great. Unfortunately it will be shut down by Nintendo.
  13. Someone who has direct access to people at Capcom. Someone who has continually proven their reliability in the past regarding Resident Evil specifically. And why is it only the sheep that are butthurt about this?
  14. Good to see someone else on this forum can admit that. If MS starts moneyhatting some more Japanese games.. throwing more money at getting big AAA games on there day 1... that will bring a LOT of people around to the idea. Still have a lot of work to do though obviously.
  15. Hunnie... that Forza footage WAS real-time in game visuals.... when has Forza EVER shown off trailers that weren't? And LOL.. Capcom's internal documents line up EXACTLY with what Dusk Golem was saying.. Don't you fucking DARE try to say otherwise you fucking clown ass bitch
  16. Nah. It's quite clear Capcom has dialed the game back. And thanks to a well known Resident Evil insider, we know why. Thanks Playstation
  17. I haven't ever really used the marketplace. I have quite a bit of good shit too. Tons of boosters. I bet I could probably make over $1000 right now selling it all
  18. I'm not conflating anything sweetie. Sony ALSO has incentives to release games that sell as many units as possible to as many people as possible.... because that's where they make their money. As evidenced by the fact that half the games you idiots thought were going to be exclusive with the "we believe in generations" bullshit... turned out to NOT be, and are indeed cross gen. Then you guys tried so hard to walk it back... saying "oh yea well of course" Just fucking admit you guys got clowned ffs... Oh Demon's Souls? Yay a PS3 game with a new lick of paint.. PS5 has been a s
  19. So many that Twinky is telling people to not buy the system yet because there's nothing to play that you can't play on PS4 And yea, they might... since they're 3rd party developers partnered with Xbox now
  20. Matt says Sony is an Xbox development partner... just like I've been saying. 3rd party developers
  21. Nah, cause Jerry might get the wrong idea and think this was a date
  22. Oh fuck.. 30 min? Yea, he's likely brain dead to the point where it's probably better off if he just dies. As sad as that is to say.
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