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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Sony is 3rd party. They DEVELOPED the game. Doesn't matter who publishes it. SONY DEVELOPED IT. Sweetie
  2. I already said it doesn't matter who's doing what.. or even the why. It's a Sony developed game. And it's on Xbox Keep losing your shit little sheepie..
  3. MLB developed by Sony And somehow the sheep are the most owned by this
  4. Yep. It's good for the series, and honestly was stupid for them to be exclusive in the first place. Watch as Sony realizes this with... ALL of their games. Little by little, it's going to happen. And ironically here it's not even the cows who are upset... it's the sheep. Jehurey will argue with me about this game for the rest of the day if I wanted
  5. If you're not sure how, you can just take a picture of your screen with your phone. Just do us a favor and wipe off the dust first
  6. "Yea that didn't work either" - guy on losing end of an argument
  7. Sony sure seems to care enough that they don't want to let go of the license... and yet sheep in cows clothing are trying to convince others that this is meaningless
  8. Nope. Spoilers means that you have to actually spoil something for someone. If a tree falls in the woods and nobody is around to hear it... does it make a sound? No cow here was spoiled. The only thing spoiled was your milk because you don't like me and have to ruin every thread I'm in
  9. Jerry - "you know it's bad when they consider getting MLB a win" GD - "It's an excellent series" Fake cows vs actual cows. You see.. there's the butthurt defend Sony at all costs because we hate MS fanbitch... and then there's a normal person who's like "Cool, awesome that it's on GP" And yet.. that fanbitch will try to claim they aren't butthurt about it at all
  10. LMAO nobody posted spoilers. As I said.. everyone has already played the game. You got BIG mad like a bitch though..because apparently you haven't. Hilarious that all the rest of us played the game and you didn't. You're not much of a PS gamer though I guess
  11. Nobody was spoiled on TLOU2.. that's why they went lenient on me.. and why I know I can post what I did without ACTUALLY spoiling anyone. We all played the game at launch you see... ...so stop being a drama queen bitch
  12. That should have already happened from the time before
  13. You're squawking an awful lot about stuff you don't know for sure. There's no other developers listed anywhere for the Xbox release.. And regardless it doesn't matter AT ALL who does what. Sony developed the game. That game is coming to Xbox. That's the "win" you're trying so desperately hard for right now... "bubu you said this" "bubu it's not Sony publishing" Sony sitting back while MLB does what they want with the game they developed
  14. Trying SO HARD to damage control Sony developed the game. That game is on Xbox. It's on GP. And yes... MLB is doing what they want and Sony has to sit there like a good little bitch and take it MLB will DO WHAT THEY WANT.. and that's the point. The Cows are BIG MAD too
  15. I don't have an Xbox console any more. PC only baby... and the game isn't on PC. I have Game Pass on PC though
  16. Yea, especially considering these yearly sports games. If you're into those... Game Pass on Xbox is easily the best value.
  17. and nobody... not even me, could have predicted it would be on GAME PASS OMFG MLB GOT SONY TO DEVELOP A GAME FOR GAME PASS...
  18. They are. They are a 3rd party developer... and they seem fine with it... as long as others publish
  19. MLB - "Sony, you're developing MLB for Xbox if you want to keep the license" Sony - "Fine.. but there's no way we're publishing it on Xbox.. not yet anyway" MLB - "We weren't going to let you anyway.. more money for us" And no.. I never once said Sony was doing this of their own volition...
  20. So brave! I LOVE the Sony Cinematic Universe! JFC
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