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Everything posted by Remij

  1. LMAO everyone already knew Sony was being FORCED to develop it for other platforms... LMAO. MLB big dicked Sony and Sony cucked. "Either you do this.. or you lose the license" and of course... Sony did this And now lemmings get every yearly sports game on GP for much less
  2. Nah. The insider specifically said it was Sony's machine causing the issues and that the Series X and PC were fine. Game was definitely downgraded in certain elements. Oh well, it's still going to be awesome.
  3. Apparently they were in talks with Nvidia to allow playable demos through Geforce Now at least on the PC side. Maybe they'll have deals with Sony and MS for some kind of remote play shit?
  4. It's happening. Do you want to bet your account on it?
  5. Sony's games are Sony's games dipshit... IDGAF how many meaningless awards they win
  6. I dunno the inner workings of the deal.. but I'm sure MLB stepped in for publishing on Xbox because they had to.. not because they wanted to. I'm sure Sony put their foot down at that point. Could be wrong, but either way.. Sony is developing games for other platforms... and if other IP holders want to test their luck, they could have Sony developing games for other platforms as well.
  7. Everything is buttfuck expensive atm.. Laptops are generally overpriced as it is.. so yea, it's going to be a lot of money either way. But for some people the luxury of portability is worth it.
  8. 15 is kinda smallish yea But that's a nice Laptop for sure... but $3500
  9. Well no kidding.. but presumably, if Sony wanted to publish it on Xbox.. MLB would have been fine with that. MLB is only publishing because Sony didn't want to publish on Xbox or GP... because of the optics. That's the whole point.. If Sony didn't have to deal with the fallout.. why the fuck WOULDN'T they want to publish on Xbox and make more of a cut of the money??
  10. Gotta laugh This is the type of shit that people who say never need to look at again... This shit is happening.. just like Sony games on PC. Nintendo will be the last hold out... as usual. But eventually (once the old guard their dies out) they too will fold. Like it or not.. that's what's going to happen.
  11. Of course they can do what they want with their IP... but the precedent comes from utilizing your leverage to force first party developers to release the games they develop, on other platforms. Nintendo didn't continue developing Bond for other platforms... once the owner decided they wanted to go multiplat.. Nintendo was done with it.. So, it's not really business as usual. It shows Sony is willing to give in and develop games for other platforms.. so long as someone else is willing to publish there. And I can almost tell you right now... Sony probably WOU
  12. $80 for MLB The Show 21 on PS vs ~$150 for a year of Game Pass which gets you -MLB The Show 21 -Madden 21, NHL 21, FIFA 21..ect ect -All of MS's games -3rd party games -Great Indie games LOL the value proposition is just insane. If you're into these yearly Sports titles... Game Pass is 100% what you need to be on.
  13. I never said anything about those games. In the future, it could be, that if Sony wants to continue their partnership with Marvel to develop Spider Man games, then Insomniac might have to develop them for multiple platforms. This sets that precedent.. because it shows that Sony is already willing to cave in to do just that. Marvel has to have thought about how massive their games could be if they were developed by Sony for multiple platforms like Xbox, Switch, and PC... instead of JUST PS. I'm not saying it's going to happen... as Marvel's probably most hap
  14. Where the FUCK is Bayo 3 anyway? PG... what the fuck are you guys doing? You have like 5 games announced, and your studio can barely handle 1 or 2... They need to get their priorities in order
  15. The best combo is PC and Switch if I'm honest. Xbox and PS are redundant.
  16. Not only that... but this sets up a precedent for other licensed game properties to do the same thing... like Marvel with Spider Man
  17. It was Playstation's sports game... and now all the marketing is like MLB on Xbox!! MLB on Game Pass!! Sony's probably not happy that MLB struck a deal with MS that makes their yearly MLB games a much better proposition on Xbox with Game Pass than on PS at $70
  18. Sony publishing games that are on Game Pass
  19. OMFG Sony publishing games on Xbox Game Pass!!
  20. So, yes.. this is an April Fools joke.. but only in the sense that "MetaPets" isn't a thing... The dog, and everything in the video actually was rendered in Unreal Engine lol Looks fucking awesome. Next gen dawgs
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