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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Get back to the topic of MH:R emulated on PC and the Sheep being raped Go make another thread about you whining about what I'm doing if you want to talk about it that badly
  2. ^he's talking more about Jonb. Probably misses him
  3. ^he's now talking about Jonb... lmao obsesshurey
  4. So yea, back on topic.... The Oculus Quest 2 is definitely the best bang for your buck headset. It's the best all around set out there... has awesome image quality too. The awesome thing too is that Oculus has a press conference show every year talking about their platforms and upcoming hardware.
  5. Talking about me... after being corrected. Spinning up the Jehurey-go-round.. that's the one ring you're obsessed with
  6. Keep following me into every thread... I know the precious is important to you..
  7. I'm correcting you actually.. So then after realizing the fact that you were wrong, you turned the conversation to be about ME and whether I talk about it or not... LOL DENIED
  8. I'll do what I want And you, Samwise Jehuree will accompany me in every thread I make... following along like the lapdog you are
  9. No.. I'll buy the game on PC when it releases. It's just nice to know the option is there.. if I choose Switch owners can beta test, that's fine
  10. Local wireless over the internet. You can connect with people playing on Switch consoles from the emulator. Basically the Switch allows you to connect with people wirelessly over a local network for MP games that support it.. and the emulator extends this by tricking it into believing that the connection on the other side (over the internet) is local.
  11. MP works LMAO It was even working back when the demo was launched
  12. Uh, why the fuck not? Why have a USB-C to C connection if you don't need it? That C-port on the console is for their VR set.
  13. Not even exclusive for the first year... or even the first week...
  14. Yea, make sure you have a router with a 5Ghz frequency band.
  15. LMAO that's EASILY the Oculus Quest 2. Playing HL:A with the Oculus Quest 2 completely wirelessly and flawlessly from a high end PC is just incredible. There's absolutely NOTHING any other headsets do better than the Quest 2, that can make up for being completely tether free. Not only that, but being able to just close the app and then being able to lay down on the couch and watch shit in VR is awesome. No setup bullshit with cameras and sensors with wires everywhere Also, the screen clarity is just pretty incredible. Oculus Quest 2 is the be
  16. At the end of the day, it's like ~150m to ~5m in favor of last gen. There will likely be a full proper current gen XCom in the future. All you'd get is higher resolution anyway... Fans of the genre will pick it up regardless I would think.
  17. Because you can still play the last gen versions on current gen consoles?
  18. DLSS is going to be a bit of a game changer for Nintendo I think. It'll allow their devices to push far above their weight, as far as image quality is concerned anyway. Will be interesting to see which architecture they settle on.
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