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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Your family is from Mexico. Xbox is popular in Mexico. And I wasn't making fun of them... I was make fun of YOU idiot. And you're being quite the snowflake right now
  2. You're the one who claims saying Mexican's like Xbox is racist and bigoted... holy fucking shit
  3. Dude shut the fuck up PS5 is ugly as sin
  4. LOL you're trying REALLY hard now with the insults First thing I did when I "came back" was tell Twinblade to ban me again... except permanently.. Yea... everyone moved on? Oh wait nope... I came here and you idiots were still saying the same shit from before You're the fucks that can't move on LMAO. You and Jehurey will be here till the end... sucking each other's dicks. Circle-jerkhureying each other off. I came back around again because I know you both were missing that person who would smack you and call you his bitch
  5. MS is being served Nintendo's and Sony's platform... on a platter
  6. Why would you keep responding to me if you didn't care. You DO though... LMAO Old ass PC game winning Nintendos GOTY and overall GOTY over TLOU2 in 2020 Rem you're so OWNED
  7. Sony and Nintendo... are serving MS their platform you stupid FUCK And in that case MS already won over NintendLOL when they ceded their platform to MS' games WALKED right into that one LOL I never said ceded their business.. I said ceded their platform. If MS can run Xbox network on Sony's devices... that's ceding their platform homie... Kinda like how Epic is trying to get Apple to cede their platform to them so they can conduct their own business on their devices.
  8. It was GOTY over all Switch and PS games last year... LOL keep crying about that. I can't believe an old PC game nobody cared about beat TLOU2... and NIntendLOL And you REALLY care about this enough to throw hissy fits every time I do
  9. Sony and Nintendo ceding their platforms for MS to do business on as they choose. Kinda like a cuck would cede his wife to another man to use. You're hoping Sony and Nintendo cede their platforms to MS.. and you think MS being able to do business on those devices... is failing
  10. Yea, it didn't. Nobody cared about it. And yet... it was Switch's 2020 GOTY... LOL PC games nobody cares about win console GOTYs... whine to me more about it PLS
  11. It's an old PC game... that won over all Switch and PS games last year... including Laughs at Us 2.. and AniLOL Crossing
  12. Hades was on PC in 2018.. that's factual bitch. Not my fault you're getting mad like a whiny cunt cause I point out that fact... LOL I'm fine with your logic though... because you're admitting Switch's best games... are PC games from years before that "nobody cared about"
  13. A thread about an old PC game winning GOTY in 2020 really stuck it to me eh.... Nah I don't think so. This thread instantly became about a Sheep who got caught in his own stupid logic as soon as he entered it
  14. Yes, MS will be serving their own interests on Sony's and Nintendo's platforms... LOL. Running their own networks and communications. LOL
  15. Absolutely. If MS is running their own networks and communications on those devices... LMAO yes they are... idiot
  16. Yea, they are expanding on Sony and Nintendo's territories... MS are soon going to be "occupying" those platforms
  17. Nope... they are EXPANDING those things... LOL Maybe you need to learn what cede means. If Sony and Nintendo allow MS to use their networks and sell their games on their systems... they are ceding their platforms And you're gonna get REALLY Sperghurey over it.. I'm sure.
  18. It...it's for my brothers son I sware!!1!
  19. No... but that would be hilarious to see Sony and Nintendo cede their systems to MS
  20. Well, we know his brother is... and his nephew.... either that.. or they aren't... and HE is
  21. LMFAO what a fucking shit show Also we have Sperghurey in here losing his shit LOL bubu lemmings, bubu Xbox
  22. I made this thread lmao.... YOU are the one crying about it
  23. Nope. Because you said nobody cared about this game until it was on Switch... so that means PC could have had better games last year... you just wouldn't know unless they hit Switch. It's your logic dumbass
  24. The most god awfully ugly video game system ever produced
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